Nothing is over.

Depuis le début

'Need to find out what do they want. Nobody shall bring a juggernaut full of troops to occupy a small village like this one,' said Riv.

Staying away from the main street, moving along backyards of houses and small passages, Riv and Shiri managed to get closer to the square where the juggernaut stopped. Hiding behind the wall, Riv could see several clones, including Spike, Notch, and Madcap.

'So what you are up to, Spike?' Riv said, looking at the clones. Spike ordered other clones to sweep the surrounding area. After that, together with Notch, Madcap, and few other clones, he went by the main street.

'You stay here and keep low as much as possible,' Riv whispered to Shiri. 'I need to do this alone.'

'Be careful, please!' Shiri said, instead of traditional Jedi's, "May the Force be with you."

Riv moved along the backyard, trying to keep an eye on Spike and his team. Clones stopped near a building, which was supposed to be a bar or something like it, located several blocks away from the central square,

'Check the entrance. Let's see how much we can find here,' ordered Spike. Two clone troopers checked the entrance and showed a "Clear" gesture. Spike and other clones walked inside the bar, leaving two clones guarding the entrance. Riv waited for a while and slowly walked towards the door. Clones saw them right away.

'Hey, you there! Turn around, this place is closed now!' Said one of the clones.

'Wait, this one looks familiar to me,' the other clone said. Both of them pointed their weapons at the Riv.

'You don't recognize me?' Riv asked them.

'A Jedi!' said one of the clones. Riv sensed an inevitable threat. He made a powerful Force push, throwing clone troopers into the wall.

'Sorry, guys!' Riv said and walked inside the bar, where he saw Spike and other clone troopers surrounding all the place inside. Riv sneaked behind the corner for a better view while still being out of sight from the clones.

'As a population loyal to Separatist's alliance, you are to be interrogated!' Spike said to a bold man, sitting at one of the tables.

'Loyal to separatists?' The bold man exclaimed. 'They just landed several of their transports here, full of battledroids and tanks, and claimed this planet under their jurisdiction. Nobody even asked us. What would you do, having their ground forces at your doorstep and several of their heavy cruisers in the sky, pointing their guns right upon you?'

'It's my role to ask questions here, not yours. Got it?' Spike pushed him.

'What do you want?' Asked the guy.

'I want to know the location of the remaining separatist leaders on this planet.'

'Nothing I can tell you about it.'

'I have an order to bring you and everyone else to the camp and beat the answer out of you if you don't comply,' said Spike into bold man's face. 'Don't make me do it.'

'I'm canceling this order, commander Spike!' Riv shouted and walked out of the corner with an ignited lightsaber. Every clone trooper pointed their rifle onto Riv.

'Shoot him down!' Spike ordered. Clones opened fire, but Riv easily deflected every bolt back. He knocked out several more clones and pulled Spike closer. Riv disarmed Spike and lifted him with force.

'Spike! It's me! Riv Veldo!' He cried. Riv used force to remove Spike's helmet and saw a raging face.

'You are a Jedi traitor! Every traitor must be eliminated!' Spike said. He was trying to fight Riv's force restrains.

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