Chapter 1 🔅

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You sat on your bed bored reading a book. Then the door opened to reveal Muzan. Father? You asked. Y/N, i'm sending you to the demon slayer corps to become a demon slayer and i put everything you need in an bag so no one can detect your a demon. Okay Y/N? Muzan ordered. Okay father! You obeyed. Then you suddenly fell off from the palace into the forest ground where there was no sunlight. Muzan still didn't know you were immune to the sun. You then saw a bag beside you. You decided to pick it up and look inside it. There was a kitsune mask, another mask under it? 
( like obanai but it hid the nose too )

Author: Wait..can demons die if they don't breathe?? 🤔

And there was supplies, like human meat, but you didn't eat them and decided to throw it away. You had everything you need so you decided to walk there. Wait- you didn't know where it was. You decided to check the bag again and there was a red book. You took it and sat down on a hard rock to read it. After reading you finally placed the book in the bag and decided to go there, without the bag. You still had some stuff in your pocket there that was hopefully useful.

I Timeskip I

You were finally there, you saw a bunch of wisteria flowers. Huh..that's why father made me wear a mask and a kitsune mask...I wonder if there's any spider lily's here? You asked and then saw burgundy haired boy with a mask on his head.
You wanted to talk to him but you were shy.

What kind of earrings are those..You wondered to yourself since you could see a faint dot, but the wisteria flowers were covering it. You walked the last few steps there and saw many people. Huh...i hope they become demon slayers so i can kill them! You thought while you grinned.

I Timeskip I cause idk how the final selection starts 😃

You were fighting countless of demons. They we're pretty easy so they barely saw you since you had lots of speed. You slayed your last demon before you saw the burgundy boy noticed the hanafuda earrings.

Huh- is that my brother or my dad? I don't remember dad being this weak..You thought.

Or maybe he just has the exact same? Whatever it is, I'm gonna save him. You saw him crash on the tree. You ran up to him to check if his pulse was still there. Luckily it was. You sighed a huff relief.

Is this another one of Urokodaki's students? A unfamiliar voice said. That sent shivers down your spine since you saw the massive shadow. How did the demon slayer corps let this fat demon in here?! You thought.

HEY! YOU BOY WAKE UP! You yelled and tried to move his body. You then looked back to see the demon trying to catch you. You quickly stood up and murmured something.

Moon breathing..Second Form Pearl Power Moongazing! You then proceeded to attack his arms while you we're shielded with your crescent blades smoothly and fast. You then saw water. You glanced little bit back to see the burgundy boy aiming for it's head. Woah... you said. You were distracted cause you've never seen such breathing before, but you didn't see the big monsters hand aiming for you. When you finally noticed. It was almost too late. You barely dodged it and landed on the ground scraping your knee. You then saw the demons head on the ground. The boy went up to you.

Are you okay? The boy asked.

( i forgot to mention you also had hanafuda earrings but Tanjiro didn't exactly notice it since you would cover it up. )

Yeah..i'm fine. You replied. My names Tanjiro Kamado! What about you? The burgundy haired boy introduced. The names..Y/N Tsugikuni. You said quietly. Then Tanjiro gave you a hand, you gratefully accepted it and walked with him to the exit. Ne, Tanjiro..why are you here? You asked. He hesitantly explained about his sister and his family.

Of course, you felt pity for him but you had to kill him afterwards to get revenge for your papa.

He then asked the same question i asked him a minute ago. O-Oh well i came here to get revenge for my papa who died you can trust me though, i'm not a demon. You said looking straight.

You sighed, well I used to have a papa named Yoriichi. He always wore those hanafuda earrings you had on. He was very strong. Unfortunately I got kidnapped and many years later i met him again. But after that meeting, I haven't seen him. But the kidnappers treat me well. And now i'm here to get revenge on the- you stopped speaking since your plan would be ruined.

You were slaying demons together for the rest of the exam and not gonna lie. You enjoyed his company and he seemed like a nice boy. He was like the brother you always wanted.

You and Tanjiro finally finished the exam to see young teenagers there. You stood beside him. The twins explained everything. You saw the black haired teen gripping the girls hair. You felt bad. Suddenly Tanjiro made him stop. By scolding him. After that Tanjiro took his stone you were up next. You just took a random stone and held it.

I Timeskip I
You were walking to Urokodaki's place since Tanjiro offered you to live with him for a bit. You agreed. You then were near the house and saw a girl. She was a demon. You were getting ready to fight since she was running to Tanjiro. But then Tanjiro cried. You stopped your fighting stance and saw him trip- what a idiot. You thought. Then the demon girl hugged him.

Ohh! You must be the sister Tanjiro was talking about! You said out loud.

You were inside and saw a man with a red mask cooking food. You bowed politely and sat down along with Tanjiro and Nezuko. You started to eat the food. You almost gagged but held it in.

I miss liking thought.

You finished the food and gave the plate to Urokodaki. You slid a door open to reveal three futons, one for you, Nezuko and Tanjiro. You went inside the room and slid the door shut. Oh gosh oh gosh how did I survive that?! You wondered to yourself. You were lucky that you had on strong human scent so Tanjiro wouldn't know you were a demon.

You sighed and went to bed.
You then woke up but it wasn't your room. It was the sky. You looked down and you were floating. You then noticed a long haired boy with a dark sleeveless yukata with a white mist design. Huh..who's that? You wondered.

You then went up to the boy and poked his shoulder and glanced back at you just to glare at you and quickly looked back to his book.
Rude. You thought.

You then tried to take a small glance at the book. He noticed it and threw the book on your face. Ow what the heck?! You yelled.

You deserved it. Said the boy coldly while glaring at me.Why? I didn't do anything! You said while you took the book away from your face and held it in your hand.

You're a demon, demons don't deserve to live. He replied. Is there something wrong with being a demon? You asked. Everything is wrong with being a demon, especially when you eat humans. He added STILL glaring at you.

I have never eaten a human before though? You said while tilting your head a bit.
"It isn't lies."
"It is"
"It is not"
"It is"
"It is not!"
"It is"

Tch, whatever now hand me the book. Demanded the boy. You ignored him and sat down facing your back at him reading the book. He had an irk mark on his face. Not until you tell me your name! You teased.

Tch, the names Yuichiro and I'm eleven. Happy now?! Said the boy annoyed.

No not really. You said having a U smile.
What?! Why?! Just hand me the damn book already! He yelled.

Because I didn't ask for your age! You said.


SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THE BOOK! He yelled. But you talked murmured. He heard it and snatched the book from you.


He glared at you annoyed and went to read his book. What's so special with that book anyway? It's only about a princess being saved by a prince. You muttered while crossing your arms.
He just ignored you. No wonder why no one is here, you have no friends and your so rude. You said.

Yoriichi's demon daughterWhere stories live. Discover now