You weren't there to know. (2)

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This is part 2 of 'you weren't there to know'
This is really shit as i don't do good with angst even though this is an angst book- anyway. Enjoy?

Also if there were mistakes, sorry i did this on a trip and since then I haven't proof-read it. (Idk what that word means but i just haven't looked back to look at mistakes)

Mentions of death,
Attempted suicide,

I ran, i don't know how far or where, but i just did.
Wilbur could've stayed dead, he didn't need to come back. Everyone liked ghostbur better, he literally made my heart whole. He was but wasn't my brother but he acted like the one i always wanted, then he was revived and came back as...a rude bitch.

Every person has acted like Wilbur once in their life, they all just betray me. Betray me.. Ranboo has never, well i hope. So that's where I'm heading, to ranboo. Tubbo went missing a few days ago, he was going to hunt something or someone down, he hasn't said what though. I would say he deserves it for everything He has done to me, but he's been through a lot worse.

Plus, Michael is cool, he is literally most possibly my favourite, well maybe. Ive only met him twice.

I was getting tired after around 10 minutes of running, so i stopped, stopped everything in general. I want to stop everything. My heart, my limbs. That wasn't a thought, it's a W@NT. My family wants that to happen to me too, I've heard Wilbur say it, though I couldn't hear Phil or techno but i bet they were smiling at the thought of me dying..

Screw going to Ranboo's,, I'll go to the Nether. I could do the unfinished business i had in exile, before Dr3..m pushed me away, his words kept echoing through my mind as i ran to the nearest nether portal.

"It's not your time to die yet..tommy."
It is my time.
"It's n0t y0ur t1me t0 d1e yet t0mmy."
It's always my time.
"1tS N0t Y0^Ur T1M£ T0 D1£ YeT T0m..Y"
It's my time right now.

Before i knew it, i was standing at the edge of the walkway down to the actual spot you need to go, but i didn't care, i could end it. I lifted one foot, looking down at the flowing lava, the heat was rising touching my face. I could do it, just one more step..

I closed my eyes, smiling...
I jumped .

I wasn't falling, the feeling wasn't there, happiness wasn't replacing the feeling in my stomach, i felt warmth around my waist but that was it, nothing more. I decided to open my eyes after around 10 seconds, to see what happened with my attempt to be happy.

I wasn't even falling, the warmth never went, this bullshit was an idiotic choice to do, looking around my eyes landed on arms, there was arms around my waist, holding me still making sure i never fell. It was techno, he always was warmer than the others, even if he did have a lot of armour on, he never was cold..

I felt me being pulled back and engulfed into a hug. I'm not giving up, I'll never. I was told by myself to do this, I'm not going to keep letting people stop me, so i dived.

(: This time i wasn't caught, techno wasn't screaming, he was happy i was falling. I heard noises behind me, though i didn't mind as i might finally be free. I turned around to look at techno, he..was..s-smiling. :)

So i turned around. This was—

Next thing i know, i heard a swoop and now I'm in more arms. I didn't care this time, so i just hugged whoever it was, ill jump another time, when others aren't aware.

"Shh, your okay toms, go to sleep. You're tired." Phil's voice made me calm.
Phil knows better to fly just around 5 metres above lava, it could burn his wings and make them more damaged than before.

I'm not going to sleep, what kind of bullshit is this?!

I. Blinked.

And we are now at home, how?! I am not complaining, but i didn't want to fail that, that's the point of jumping, to not be alive.

Phil has got a third eye or something because i did nothing for them to know i was there, I never even heard anything, no rustling from when i was running.

All this added up to..nothing .

"Hey mate, please don't do that again, we can help you. Okay?" Phil spoke yet again, but his words went from one ear to out the other, i nodded even i don't care about his stupid words, this was like how They caught me with smoking.

I was down good afterwards but, i didn't care. Hell, I was even laughing when they screamed at me. I'll let this slide once, but I will, and i know i will finally win and finally die.
Remember ..Even if this seemed like a happy ending, it wont be.

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