21. Facts, Nightmares, Reality.

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"Andie," Stanley muttered, breaking out of his mind of horror. 

 He stood up from the steps that led to the house and looked around to Ben, Mike and Beverly, who had faces of worry as they all heard Andie's yell. They walked to the side of the house and saw Andie's back, standing at the edge of the room by the window. They ran, calling her name but she was frozen, unable to hear them. Everyone gasped when the girl began falling down, her hands held out, holding on to nothing. Mike rushed to catch her and thankfully, he managed to hold on to her. He brought her to the front steps of the house and laid down the unconscious girl. He backed away as Stanley approached, tears flooding his eyes. 

 Just as he crouched down to meet her eyes, Andie jolted up, gasping for air, out of breath, causing the boy to back away. She looked at Stanley and quickly stood up, grabbing with her a short metal pipe that laid near. She gripped it tight, with uncertainty of the people who stood in her view. She was unsure, uncertain. She can't differ anymore of what's real and what's not, so she held the pipe tightly over her head, ready to swing at anyone that dared near her. 

"Hey, hey, hey," Stanley whispered gently, taking small steps forward, making Andie back away with her hands still gripped tightly to the pipe. "Andie, it's just me. It's just Stan."

"NO! Leave me alone! Don't come any closer," she shook her head in denial of his words.

"It's okay, Di. It's just me, Stan. Remember? You called me, you called my name before you fell, remember?" He reassured her with his voice ever so gentle and quiet. "It's Stan," he gave a nod. 

"Stan," Andie mumbled, her expression softened at the assurance she received. As a result, her grip on the pipe had weakened. 

 Stanley took one last step forward and grabbed the pipe and threw it back to the empty lawn. His left hand flew to Andie's side and he cupped her cheeks with his right hand, lifting her face so she could meet his eyes. She gasped and began crying, falling into Stanley's arms as her right hand tugged on the boy's shoulder while her left hand tugged on the back of his curls. Stan could feel his shoulders soaking wet from her cries as his tears fell on her head. 

"It's okay, Di. You're okay," he reassured.

 She nodded, still buried in his shoulders as tears left her eyes. She felt calmer, and she knew that it was him, not the clown. Because he wore his scent of lavender and vanilla, which Andie breathed in and admired. She didn't let go of him and neither did he. They felt better in each other's hold, their breathing in sync. She gathered herself and looked to the rest who stood still behind Stan, with tears in their eyes. 

"Where are the others?" Beverly finally spoke. 

Andie shook her head trying to remember. "Eddie," she muttered, turning around and rushed into the house. She saw Eddie on the floor, his face in the clown's hold. The clown had turned away to face Bill and Richie who stood tall with fear upon seeing the clown. 

"This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" It began, focusing It's eyes on Bill, It's tone mimicked hurt and offense. "I'm not real enough for you?" It's head tilted and It's voice high. 

"Oh, shit," Richie mumbled. 

"It was real enough for Georgie," It laughed hysterically, then got up and rushed to Bill to grab him. 

Bill and Richie panicked and backed away, screaming. Andie took the oppurtunity to run to the injured boy on the floor. "Holy shit!" Richie cursed. 

 Suddenly, Beverly's yelling could be heard as the clown's shriek quieted down. Andie turned around and the pipe Andie held in her hand earlier was now through the clown's head from Beverly's stab. Blood began floating above, in the air, defying gravity. It's body froze and flinched, causing everyone to just stare. Beverly had backed away, now she stood beside Bill, who held his hands with her and Richie.

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now