6. Friends.

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 They finally stopped in an alley which Andie recognized as the one near the pharmacy her mother worked at. She hopped off Stan's bike and rushed to the bleeding boy being set on empty crates, sitting against the brick wall. She kneeled down in front of him and felt relief when she saw him smiling.

"Oh my God, Ben, are you okay? What happened?" the girl blurted.

"Henry Bowers," he said, looking around at the strangers who had helped him. 

"We're gonna go to the ph-ph-pharmacy to get supplies. An-Andie, Richie, st-stay here," Bill instructed and the two obliged. 

Andie put pressure on the wound to reduce the bleeding. That was something she had learned from her mother. "Why am I stuck as babysitter?" Richie whined.

Ben and Andie looked at him in disbelief.


"Seriously, Tozier? He's bleeding and that's what you're worried about?" Andie sarcastically asked.

"He's fine," Richie pointed to the dirty shirt Ben was wearing, specifically to his wounds.

"I am," Ben spoke. 

"See," defended Richie. "I wanna be in the action," he made a grunting sound, causing Andie to raise her brows in confusion.

"What action, Rich?"

"Aww, I like it when you call me Rich-"

"And I like it when you shut your mouth," Andie flashed a condescending smile. 

"See, we're so perfect," Richie joked, giving her a flying kiss.

Andie flicked her hand, as a sign of rejecting his kiss and he gasped, leaned back a bit, and placed his hands on his right chest, looking hurt. "Ouch," he acted. 

"Your heart's on the left, dumbass," Andie rolled her eyes, smirking at his mistake.

"Oh," he looked disappointed with himself as he changed the placement of his hands. "Thanks, sugar."

"Anytime," she replies with sass. 

 Not long after, footsteps were heard and came rushing down the alley were Stanley and Eddie, both were holding supplies. A lot of supplies. Andie jolted up and helped the boys with their load as they were obviously struggling to hold that many items in their skinny arms. Eddie kneeled down to where Andie was before and began helping Ben. 

"Just suck the wound," Richie instructed. 

"I need to focus right now," Eddie replied. 

"You need to focus?" sassed Richie.

"Yeah, I need you to go get me something," Eddie's voice began to lower down and became soft as he talked to his best friend.

"Yeah, what do you need?" Richie's voice, soft as well.

"Go get my bifocals," and just like that, his voice became high the way it usually does. "I have them in my second fanny pack."

"Why do you have two fanny packs?" Stanley asked. 

"I need to focus right now," he muttered, completely ignoring Stanley's question.

 Stanley looked to Andie and she only shrugged. Andie turned around to see Bill walking out of the alley. More focused on the boy in front of him, she turned back to see Eddie focusing. All the while, Stanley kept glancing at her, still wondering what she meant before. He thought it was just words of a scared and worried girl but Stanley wished it could be more. Stanley wished it was something she had actually meant. 

 Andie grew more worried as Richie and Eddie were bickering about Ben's wounds while still treating him. Stanley moved closer, taking a step in front of Andie, to see what was happening. Due to where he was standing, Andie stayed in her spot behind him, almost hidden from anyone to see. She heard footsteps and assumed Bill finally came back but she was wrong when she saw her girl best friend with the same outfit she had on today at school, Beverly Marsh, who smiled at her as a greeting. Ben also looked up to the appearance of the Marsh girl.

"Are you okay? That looks like it hurts," the redhead inquired. 

Ben shifted his position and replied, "No, I'm good. I just, fell."

Andie chuckled lightly at the sight of her two best friends, knowing that one of them had a crush on the other. "Yeah, right into Henry Bowers," Richie added which caused Andie to laugh silently. 

"Shut up, R-R-Richie," Bill instructed. 

"Why? It's the truth," defended Richie. He had a point. 

Andie noticed Ben looking down in embarassment. Then, Beverly took a step forward and said, "You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" She took a pause for the words 'right stuff' and immediately Andie knew the reference to the New Kids on The Block song. Andie noticed Ben turning tomato at Bev's reference. 

"You know uh, we-we-we-we'll take care of him," Bill said, not understanding the joke. "Thanks again, Beverly."

"Sure. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Yeah, we were th-th-thinking of going to the q-q-quarry tomorrow, if you wanna go," shrugged Bill.

"We were?" whispered Andie to Stanley and the rest and they only shrugged in confusion as they too, were unaware of their future plans. 

"Good to know. Thanks," Beverly beamed. "Bye, Andie," she waved to the group.

"Bye, Bev."

 Once Beverly had left, Stan spoke up to Richie. "Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her."

Andie looked at Stan, confused. "Yeah dude, you heard what she did," Eddie added. 

"What'd she do?" Ben asked in curiosity to Richie.

"More like who'd she do," Richie replied. 

Andie knew instantly they were talking about the rumors surrounding her friend. "From what I heard, the list is longer than my wang," Richie continued.

Andie rolled her eyes in anger and was about to defend her friend when Stanley snarked, "That's not saying much."

"They're just rumors. Rumors spread by the very people who made your life miserable," Andie defended. 

The boys looked at her before Richie continued to Ben, "Anyway, Bill had her back in third grade." Ben looked hurt when he looked to Bill. "They kissed in the school play," Richie went on, everyone's eyes on Bill who received a smirk from Stanley causing Bill's cheek to turn the color of rose while Andie's eyebrows raised and eyes widened at the new information she's receiving. "The reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion!" Richie exclaimed. Ben looked sad and Andie felt bad for her friend but there really wasn't much she could do. 

"Now, pip-pip and tally-ho, my good fellows! I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention! Get in there, Dr. K, come on, fix him up," Richie said in a British accent that calling it horrible would be an understatement. 

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein? Because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the-"

"Suck the wound! Get in there!"

"So, Bill," Andie began, turning everyone else's attention to her as she looked to Bill who had his eyebrows raised. "Am I invited to the quarry tomorrow or is it just for girls you've kissed?" 

"Oh, uh, y-yeah, please come," the boy said, looking embarassed. "You're our f-friend, too."

Andie grinned and winked at him, mouthing, 'thanks'.

"Nice," Richie ruined the moment by smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. 

Knowing what was in the mind of the boy, Andie looked at him and flipped him off. Richie nodded slowly, squinting his eyes and muttered, "Fuck you too, sugah," not pronouncing the r.

"Oh, Tozier, you wish."

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now