3. No More Hiding.

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 Andie was aware of the lack of friends she had. Other than Ben, there was only one other person she was close with. Close enough that she considered this person one of her best friends too. Andie had met this girl, Beverly- or Bev- Marsh, at school. It was during lunch break, and Andie had stopped by the ladies' room and saw the redhead smoking alone in one of the stalls. Andie wasn't much for smoking. Actually, she was against smoking but she understood it was also people's choice whether to smoke or not. Due to her feelings against smoking, Andie didn't bother to talk to the other girl she now know as Beverly. 

 It was a good thing then that Beverly was a friendly soul who took a liking to the girl she saw stood in front of her. Beverly lived in Derry all her life, knowing almost every person who lived there as well. Even if she didn't know who they were, she would at least have seen them before but that wasn't the case for the young Tyler girl. The brunette wore a face Beverly had never before seen in her life, giving her space to make an assumption she then learned to be true. 

"Hey, you're new, right?" 

Andie turned in shock and had to take a second to realize it was a question for her. "What?" When realization hit her, she nodded. 

The redhead stood up and held out her hand. "Beverly Marsh," she smiled, ever so softly.

"Andie Tyler," introduced the brunette.

 Beverly opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by none other than Greta Keene. Since Greta was told Andie was a no-go, she didn't even bother to look. Her attention was solely focused on Beverly. Andie knew that just because she was safe from Greta, it didn't mean her friends were. That included Beverly. Even after the shortest interaction, Andie already considered Beverly a friend. With her red hair that would shine bright under the burn of the sunlight and her eyes, as light of a blue as the sky on a hot sunny day, empty of all clouds, including her freckles scattered on her pale skin; how can you not like her? 

 Of course, Andie didn't know of the rumors surrounding beautiful Bev. Greta was informing Beverly of something that had happened at her locker. That might sound nice but nice people wouldn't smile and look proud after spray painting the word 'SLUT' all over someone else's locker. When Beverly ran out to find the horror, Andie had followed suit. What Andie saw was something straight out of a movie. Beverly, though looked upset, pretended as well as she could, but Andie saw right through. Beverly was upset. If you were in her place, wouldn't you be as well? 

 That day after school when everyone had left, Andie stayed back to talk to her English teacher. Already leaving, she saw Beverly, cleaning her locker door, a small towel in her hand and a bucket by her leg. Andie remembered straight away what the girl's name was, which was a shock since that hardly ever happened. Hoping to be welcomed, she began walking towards the redhead. 

"Need any help?" 

 With Beverly's permission, Andie helped, as best she could until the locker door was clean. That was one and a half months ago. Since then, she and Beverly had been friends. Andie didn't believe the rumors Greta had unfurled. For that alone, Beverly was eternally grateful to have met Andie.


 After the last day of school had ended, Andie made her usual way to the library. At her arrival, she saw the boy she always see already sitting, his nose in a History book. Andie approached the table and set down her backpack across Ben, exchanging 'hi and hey', took out a book she had borrowed and made her way to the librarian to return the book. Once settled, she went back to the table and sat down across Ben. 

Wonder. | A Stanley Uris Fanfiction. | IT 2017.Where stories live. Discover now