Chapter 48

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As she held the little girl in her arms, a small beautiful smile formed on her lips, her blank eyes were shining from a new emotion.

"Look at her, Umaisha...I can't believe, I'm a mother, " I saw that happiness on her face after ages. But you know, for some people happiness is like an orgasm which lasts for only a few moments in their lives. And the same thing happened to her.

"She's not your daughter, she's my daughter, Farwa," Hafsa took the baby from Wajeeha's lap, and a devilish smirk formed on her face.

"Yeah... she's our baby," happiness was dancing in Wajeeha's eyes as she didn't notice the smirk on her face.

"You're taking it in the wrong way babe, she's not your baby... She's mine. Also, I shared my husband with you, now I can't share this baby," she put the baby in the baby cot and replied peacefully which startled us.

"Wh...what are you say.. saying?" Her voice cracked up and tears started slipping from her eyes.

"You heard me right, Wajeeha, forget that you ever gave birth to her, she's my daughter, and you ain't even allowed to see her, touch her, feed her," she announced her decision without realizing the effect of her venomous words on Wajeeha.

"I didn't ask you to share your husband with me, and Waqar never loved me, I was forced to can take him back from my life, but I can't give my baby to any cost, I'll go to the police and..."

" I'll kill your baby..." She cut her off immediately and looked straight into her eyes.

"You can't do this to me, can't do this..." She looked devastated and vulnerable.

" I can do anything honey, and now I can't take the risk... So Waqar is giving you a divorce right now, and you have to end all the contacts with us...if you want to see your daughter alive, promise me... You'll never try to contact us again..." She gritted her teeth and took the baby in her arms.

" Then why did you force me to marry Waqar..." Her voice was shaking and I was witnessing the whole scene dumbfounded from the window. It was all my fault... I'm responsible for everything. Tears started making their way to my face and I felt a strong pain growing in my chest.

"Cuz I wanted a baby and I'd be happier if she was a boy...but anyway thank you so much honey..." she showed an evil grin to her and was about to exit when Wajeeha called her.

"Can I hold my baby last time? Please," she asked with pleading eyes and she looked vulnerable and helpless.

Hafsa gave the baby to Wajeeha and she started kissing, hugging her like insane.
I closed my eyes from the hurt. I can't see her like this. Imagine what she's feeling right now.

It all happened so fast that we all were shocked. Waqar gave her divorce and she locked herself in her room for months. After a few months, a proposal came for her and she didn't speak anything and became agreed to the marriage. We knew nothing about the proposal but it all happened so quickly that one evening she became Wajeeha Asim Riyaz.

"Wajeeha, Do you even know Asim? Why did you marry him? " I shook her by her shoulders and asked in a loud tone and she let out a soft chuckle which shattered my heart into pieces.

"You know what Umaisha, some people are born unlucky. My mom died while giving me birth and I suffered my whole life cuz of Hafsa and my stepmom. And then one day I fell in love... I was so stupid to think that I'm some fairytale princess whose all sufferings are going to end but my life wasn't any fairy tale.  He left me on our wedding day and I was waiting for him in a bridal dress with a beautiful smile and dreams like a clown," she let out a soft chuckle and I stared at her dumbfounded.

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