Chapter 26

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"Sir your orders?"

"Two macchiatos and what about you, Zaynah?" Mishal raised her eyebrows at me.

" Umm one cappuccino, and half plate chicken nuggets,"

" Chicken nuggets? Actually, Azlan and I hate chicken," she pursed her lips and gave me a known look.

" But I love chicken," I smiled sweetly at her.

"I guess, I can try, " Azlan focused his gaze on mine and replied.

" One pineapple pizza too," Mishal ignored him completely and gave her an order.

"I know how much you love pineapple pizza," she placed her hands on Azlan's and smiled.

Why does it feel so odd? She's weird, Was she feeling jealous of me?? Or wanna tell me something?

And they are weird asf! Who likes pineapple pizza?? They hate chicken and like pineapple pizza and still, they think they are cool, someone please kill me.

Our order arrived and the whole time I was sitting like an unwanted person. They both were busy with each other. Whenever Azlan tried to talk to me, she brought a new topic. It felt like she was doing it purposely.

I was now regretting coming here, I should have stayed in my room and sleep peacefully.

Finally, they decided to leave, I was following them like a puppet. As I was about to open the door of the passenger's seat, Mishal placed her hand on my shoulders, "Sorry, this is my seat, honey" she passed me the fakest sweet smile.

I didn't say anything and sat silently in the back seat. Azlan looked tensed but he didn't say anything. They both talked the whole ride and I was lost in my thoughts.

The car stopped in the front of my hostel, I hopped out of the car and waved at them, "Nice to meet you," Mishal's tone was sweetest as honey and I just wanted to smack her head with a hammer.

I didn't reply and moved my steps towards the entrance. It was the worst day of my life. So I got to know that she didn't like me and she tried her best to make me feel unwanted and guess what she succeeds in.

I gotta sleep now, only sleep could help me now. I stepped inside the room and without changing my dress, I jumped on the bed. It took me less than a minute to fall into a peaceful slumber.

Mishal's POV

The beautiful smile was tugging on my lips when I bade goodbye to Azlan, he didn't even smile. I spoiled her date and he was my best friend so he knew I did this knowingly. His upset face was making me upset too but I decided to ignore him.

The day went perfectly well, it went the same I planned. I thought that Zaynah would be some prettiest, mean and bold girl but she poured water on my expectations. She wasn't very beautiful but there was something in her that could attract anyone, her innocence, her sweetness, and her calm nature made me more insecure.

Fighting with a bitch is easy, but playing dirty to any sweet person is all about feeling guilty all the time. I knew that girl had something special in her that melted the heart of a guy like Azlan.

I took a shower and my lips were humming a song when Ridhima cut me off. She was my best friend and roommate and the only person who knows about my feelings for Azlan, in fact, she was the one who made me realize these feelings.

"You look happy? Seems your date went well, " she removed her specs and closed the book.

" Yeah, I acted perfectly like some mean girl," I gave her a forced smile.

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