Chapter 20

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I was so wrong to think that I'll be able to get her off from my head by acting mean or rude to her. And wow she became the one and only friend of my sister. Like why? Why out of all the kids of IISC, Zara chose her? Okay yeah, I was the one who introduced them to each other. And the more I tried to ignore her, the more we encountered each other as she was also the roommate of Farwa. Couldn't be better, right???

When I saw her in my house with Hamza and Hammad, my mind became blank. I bet someone's playing a game with me and when I listened to her thoughts about me, God...! He called me unbelievable things, I didn't know from where this came. Umm maybe I was always this type of person, it was just no one ever told me.

But whatever it pissed me off...a lot. So I said some things to her but God she was such a retard. She stormed out of my house with a red angry face.

"What the heck Wajahat, why you did this to her? Now how she's gonna find any taxi or bus this time," Zara gave me a complaint look but I least care about them as this time I was a little bit mad at her.

"Why? How can't she find any transport?" I rolled my eyes.

" She's new to this place, Wajahat please, go and please check on her, I'm really worried about her," I swear, I never saw Zara like this. I gave her some weird looks and walked outside.

I stopped my car as my gaze landed on the fragile figure standing on the side of the road. The weather was really unpleasant and the darkness started enveloping the surrounding. I hopped out of the car and started walking towards her but the next second what happened I wasn't ready for that. Her body fell on the road with a loud thud, my heart sank in my body and I ran to her. As I touched her, the fire ran in my whole body.  This wasn't a movie right?? Like I knew this girl for only three days and seeing her in that state was hurting me so much. Why?

She was blacked out, I carried her in my arms and walked towards my car. What would happen if Zara didn't send me after her? This thought sent a shiver down my spine. I ignored all the weird things happening to my body and the heart and drove my car to the hospital.

I was in so much rush and worries that I didn't realize I was looking vulnerable. She needed some blood as she was too weak, but our blood groups were different. Damn whyy?? I ran outside for the blood bottles, I knew I was overreacting but I had no control over my emotions.

When I came back to the hospital with blood bottles, the doctor told me that someone has already helped her. I took a sigh of relief and paid the charges of the hospital.

The whole night I didn't sleep. I didn't know how and why she was affecting me that much?? I never felt these things before for anyone.

Our small encounters always turned to some memorable ones. I loved how she gave me annoyed looks, I loved how she rolled her eyes at me, how she cursed me under her breath and I loved when she lost in my eyes and became confused when I say something to her. Man, I loved everything about her, her sheepish silly smile, her clumsiness, her stupidity...

That day when Zara asked me to pick her, I realized that the baby pink color was my favorite or maybe I love all the colors she wears. I knew I was acting like some silly teenager which was very odd cuz I always acted tough and rude in all these matters.

Only I knew how I controlled my emotions when I dropped coffee at her feet and it shredded my heart into pieces seeing her eyes welled up from tears. I hated myself for being this weak and miserable. She was controlling my mind, heart and I didn't want this. I didn't wanna fall for her but little did I know I had already fallen for her.

And when she barged into my room without knocking, I was shocked, I was holding a cigarette and I was looking like a mess. She was looking so fresh and peaceful. How could she look so peaceful after doing this to me, I wasn't in my senses and I said those disgusting mean things to her which I never meant, her large eyes filled with tears and she left me more heartbroken. I held my head frustratingly and sighed. I was becoming toxic to her and myself, I was feeling helpless.

The words I said to her were still ringing in my head, I was feeling suffocated in my room so I came to the terrace and I saw her walking out of the mansion. was so dark outside but that girl...ughh...

Well, Couldn't blame her, I was the one who did this. But what if she met another accident like the last time. This thought sent a shiver in my body. I took my keys and ran after her. She was nowhere to see, I was just hoping didn't meet any accident this time. I was feeling so helpless, I climbed off from the car,  looked at the sky, and made a Dua for her.

Suddenly, I heard some weird noises from the opposite side, I started following the voices and the next moment the blood rushed to my face. They all were trying to molest Zaynah, my Zaynah. I yelled at them without thinking twice and unexpectedly they left us in seconds.

I came closer to her and pressed her hands to assure her, I felt the same tingling sensation I always felt around her. "Azlan" she called a name and I became confused. I had no idea who was this guy, also I didn't wanna reveal myself so I just called a cab and asked to drop her at New Girl's Hostel.

You might not believe it but I really needed some doctor as the next day I said again some mean words to her. I was hurting her for no reason cuz I was pissed off at her, I hated how she was hypnotizing my mind. Did that girl know any black magic???

She was so sweet that anyone could fall for her, she had no idea what she could do to a person just by looking at him. Gradually, I started acting normal in front of her. I didn't want to hurt her or myself just cuz of some silly thoughts.

And it amazed me that she thinks that I and Farwa were dating or couples like how?? I didn't know she thoughts that I was some bad boy or player. Did I look like some? Ohh well, I always acted cold and mean to her so it was so obvious that she got that bad-boy vibes from me.

The incident in the basement almost took half of my life. And today all these things happened. I ran after her like I always did to check up on her but I realized today that someone else had taken a special place in her heart. She was smiling with that guy, laughing, and walking with that guy. That guy knew how to bring a smile on her face, how to make her happy, and here I always brought tears in her eyes, I always hurt her. No matter how much I loved her, I couldn't be the guy of his dream, his heart.
Love??? Ughh yeah, I Wajahat Shah was in madly love with that nerd.

My heart picked a different pace after this confession and my heartbeats were loud enough to be heard by anyone.

But in the end, I knew it doesn't matter, I knew she wasn't gonna reciprocate the same feelings, I knew she could never feel the same for me. I decided to walk away silently from her life without telling her anything. She deserved much better, she deserved the world and I couldn't give these things to her.

I wasn't feeling well, I'm a little bit sick so it was just a normal update. Also wanna dedicate this chapter to y'all. I love y'all.

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