Kagehina: What We Once Were

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This is going to be another sad one since I for some reason can only come up with that type of stuff. Btw reminder that I own none of the art shown. Tw: death, blood
Italics are flashbacks

Today is the day where I decided to do something. It's been around 5 months of me just being all gloomy in my room. I stopped contact with half or more of my friends and family and just stayed inside everyday trying to do school work, but as some people my know; studying with little to no motivation barley gets you anywhere.

But Hinata, even though he is a dumbass, wouldn't approve. So I have been working harder then ever! I have been actually studying(shocker I know) and working even harder at volleyball if that is even possible. And I want to focus on my happiness as well. I know if I take care of myself; I will make the team and Shoyo smile.

~Pov God
Shoyo and Tobio were heading home together like they always do. They had small talk about who knows what, they were simply just existing. Though of course Hinata had to mention something to do with his height. 'Uhhh! Stop walking so fast, my legs can't keep up with your giraffe ones!' He says bending his neck so his face faced upwards toward the clouds floating by.

They were walking down a hill and Hinata was not used to needing to walk so fast since he always used his bike(but he dropped that plan since kageyama always walked home and you can't really have a conversation with someone when you are biking 120 mph down a winding street).

'Just get a pair of roller skates and grab on to my sleeve. We don't have all day.' Kageyama says with slight annoyance in his voice. Unknowing he literally sparked many ideas in the forever short one's tiny brain.

The next weeks forward, the tangerine came to school with roller skates and now in between classes he would for real, grab on to Kageyama's sleeve and ride around campus. And know one would question it.~

This next memory happened like forever ago, but it still makes Kageyama show his... unique smile when thinking about it.

~Kageyama and Hinata had a sleepover like many other nights. And today was very beautiful, sunset with: pink, orange and yellow shining through. A light breeze going through their town, and grass around them was the most radiant shade of green grass could be.

The environment was perfect for a friendly competition. In no time the two way-to-energetic-for-their-own-good were bouncing each other 7-8 feet in the air over a trampoline.

The "game" was who could launch the other off first while jumping as high as they could without falling off themselves, would win.

'Is that the best you got!!' Hinata yelled mockingly, but cheerfulness still in his voice. In response Kageyama landed a pencil dive with legs slightly bent preparing himself to throw his rival to his doom. Hinata was currently like 15 ft at least in the air. How are either of these idiots still alive?

A piercing scream came from behind them. Startling both of the teenagers, with the orange one shooting to the left at full speed going 30 feet before landing in a wheelbarrow with bark luckily cushioning his fall. His legs only visible since the rest of his body was lost somewhere in the barrel.

Apparently Hinata's mom came by to pick him up early and seeing her son being slingshotted into the air is not something she apparently wanted to witness. How would they know it was apparently to 'dangerous'?

The setter now in cris-cross-applesauce position still on the trampoline, put his hands around his mouth like a megaphone 'HA! I WIN!'. Shoyo now climbing out form within the freshly bought bark sticking to his back, laughed while standing up unharmed.

You would think their parents would had heart attack's from the crazy stuff the two pull~

It is memories like these the two have. And Kageyama has so many more things to smile about with his team. Every member has something amazing about them that makes the group as chaotic, fun, and stupid as it always is. And they were happy. Were.

Like everything, it didn't last forever. It couldn't, when ever something good happens something terrible comes by and rips it apart.

It came out of no where.
The car.
No one knew what happened before it was to late.
There were headlights. A horn sound echoing through the street. And then a crash.

It was silent for the first minute, then yelling, shouting, and blood. The images flash a cross kageyama's mind. It was a horrible sight. The only part of the Angel's body visible was his arm stretches out in a position as if he was trying to grab something in his last moment. The rest of his body hidden under the wreckage. All Tobio could do was stare, WHAT JUST FUCKING HAPPEN!? His world shattered. Colors dimmed to a boring gray all around, the birds made no sound, nor did the wind stay calm.

And that is what happened. That is reality, or at least that is his memory of the event.

Pov Kageyama
The past 5 months my grades have been worse then ever and my room a mess. I have become more of an asshole then usual;

Yet again, the ball hit the ground. 'You IDIOT!' I yell in a tone far more harsh then a person should be spoken too. 'Wow! Wow! Hold on a sec, you can't raise your voice like that!' Sugawara says walking up to me. Yams was getting off ground slightly quivering from the sence that I made. 'Sorry sorry, I will get it again next time' Yams states obviously uncomfortable. The team has let my behavior off for the most part, but at some point they are going to have to call me off.

They have been hit hard by what happened to, but they know I was hit terribly too. They have been understanding and I am thankful for that, but everything everything! Has been irritating. All the small sounds, flashes of lights, moments, and even the animals.

But not anymore. I will try- no I will save myself since I couldn't save him. I want to make him happy, I will go for his dream and complete it for him. Shoyo's smile... always made me happy so I am going to smile and live the life that will make him proud!

Though that doesn't mean it doesn't get hard.

I placed the flowers down, staring at the stone in front of me:

Shoyo Hinata
xxxx - xxxx
Lovable friend, family and teammate.
He meant the world to many, and has smile even in the after life. For ever missed, is this angel. Rest In Peace

Sometimes this is just how the world is. Tobio sighs with a broken smile, but still it was smile. Two tears fall from his eyes, but that's it. He has already cried to much. As he gets off from his knees, and walks in the direction of his home to do what he knows he should have a long time ago.

Hope you liked it! I feel like the ending dragged on for a bit much, but I think it fits fine in my imagination. I left it open ending cause I want you to decide what he is going to do. Wether he is walking to reach his in Hinata dreams, lay down or something way more depressing, however you want the story to end.

I want to make it clear though I am not romanticizing death, or depression. It is just in the story, but if you are struggling please reach out to a someone. Or if you just feel lonely you can message me and I will be happy to chat! Stay safe, bye. Words 1341

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