Iwaoi: Nightmare

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This is a storyline that I saw while going through Pinterest or something, I can't remember😅either way I do not own this idea or the art above, Hope you enjoy


Oikawa Pov.

I sat up in a cold sweat, breathing rapidly recalling the nightmare.

My eyes drifted around my room once my breathing slowed trying my best not to break into tears. My parents waking up would be the last thing I wanted. In the dream, I was with my team at nationals playing the final set, with a score of 14 Aoba Johsai to 14 Karasuno. The ball was zipping toward my face, and I was about to confidently set it to Iwa~Chan sensing he was ready for it... I stumbled and landed on my wounded knee and losing the point.

15 Karasuno, 14 Aoba Johsai, we lost...

Paralyzed I was, I couldn't even get off the ground. "I could have saved it!" "if only I wasn't so useless."' That wasn't the worst part, the worst part was looking at my team, all disappointed and broken expressions, but Iwaizumi's hurt the most. They turned their backs and walked away with tears fighting to crawl out of their eyes. Then everything started fading away into the white abyss.

I was still disturbed by the nightmare and wanted someone to just talk with until I felt better. Though when I turned my head to look at the time it was 2:37 a.m.; so who would I even go to?

Iwa~Chan! He is my best friend after all(and maybe my crush too).

Iwa-Chan and I live on the same street, but he lives several houses down. When we were younger, whenever the other had a bad dream, we would go to the other's house and 'quietly' play games, talk, and sometimes wake up cuddling one another.

Lately, I feel we are slowly drifting apart. Not out of reach, but still I notice how he attempts to avoid me during practice and school as much as he can.

A few minutes later, I decided it was fine if I bugged him just for the night. I climbed out my window and onto my roof, where there is this huge willow tree that connects to my house and the Neighbors. I lifted myself on branches like I did many nights before over the years, and landed on top of the Neighbor's roof. Quiet enough not to wake them. I hop over some fences and climb one more tree till I reach Iwa~Chan's house and land on his balcony. I peer through the glass door and see him peacefully sleeping on his bed.

His room is decorated with fairy lights hanging around the ceiling that I gave him when we were 10. A wooden desk stood with his homework, backpack, and notes he made watching Olympic volleyball games. Looking over at a bulletin board hanging on his wall are photos of his friends(I put a lot of pictures of me there obviously :p) and places he has and wants to go to. His room gives off a calming aurora, especially with the forest-scented candles he likes so much. He tells me the smell reminds him of camping. There I see him sleeping under his baby blue comforter draped over the bed.

By now it is raining lightly, so I knocked quickly waiting for him to unlock the door for me.

"Why did you wake me up?" he whisper-shouts as I let myself in.

"I had a bad dream and wanted to stay here for the night," I exclaim as nonchalantly as I can. He sighs and walks into another room.


Iwa Pov.

I was abruptly woken up by the sound of someone knocking on the door to my balcony. I reluctantly turned over, already guessing who it could be. I was right, Oikawa.

I have been trying to avoid him a bit ever since I learned I may or may not have a teeny tiny crush on him, him being the annoying setter and my best friend.

It's dark and slippery outside and if he gets sick I'll kick his ass. My feet walk across the cold floor wrapping my arms around myself tight as a gush of freezing air rushes into my room.

"Why did you wake me up?" I said annoyed, he let himself get a little wet from the rain not to mention his visible shaking.

"I had a bad dream and wanted to stay here for the night," He teeth chattering. I didn't know if it was because he was scared of his dream or if he was just cold. I sigh and walk to the bathroom to get him a towel to dry off with.

As I handed it to him I got a little flustered because the rainwater made his shirt outline his body perfectly, as the light from the candles made the shadows waver. I turn my head away before he sees me blush, not wanting to embarrass myself. "'Why do these thoughts come literally out of nowhere?!"

Oikawa gently looks around the room, "Let's make a pillow fort!". He carelessly spoke, but excitement still poked its way through. We used to make pillow forts and eat cookies whenever one of us had a nightmare along with doing other activities all while trying to stay hushed since our parents were and still to this day, are very strict. I was going to tell him to just go to bed, but he gave me his puppy dog eyes knowing I can barely say no to them since whenever he pulls that face it pisses me off. Besides, it was raining far heavier by now anyway.

"Fine," I grumble, before going off to get more pillows and blankets. By the time it's done, the blankets were a dark shade of blue, in a circus tent form over some chairs, with fairy lights dangling around the outside. On the inside of the fort, there were a bunch of pillows and blankets scattered everywhere alongside a few lit candles on my nightstand with a bunch of snacks I managed to sneak from the kitchen without being heard.

Inhaling the forest-like scent, I turned toward Shittykawa, his chocolate eyes sparkling in the dim light and his brown hair complimenting his body structure. I feel my cheeks heat up for the second time this night and turn away hoping he doesn't notice.

"Can we watch a movie?" he says, sounding flustered too, which puts me in a short-lived confused state.

"No Shittykawa, we have a long practice and... looking at the clock, we'd need to get up in 3 hours for it anyway." I whisper-shout, a bit more aggressively than I intended.

"Pleeaassseee!" he complains, he may be my crush, but he is still annoying at times.


I grab my laptop from my drawer, and turn on Netflix trying to find something, "I heard this is good." He points to a movie that is in the popular area called 'Knives Out'. I am at least happy he is calmer than when he first came in; looking all anxious and shivering. Yet he was still acting a little giddy even for him.

"I wonder what his nightmare was about..." I think to myself. Shaking my head I turn the movie on to low volume; hopefully, we can get rest before practice. No one will train well if some of the team is sleep deprived.

Halfway through the movie, I feel something soft on my shoulder. I glance down to see a sleeping setter there. My heart skips a beat as I feel my cheeks get rosy for like, the hundredth time in only the past 2 hours. We stay like that for multiple minutes till I feel myself drift off as well.

Ahhhhhh this was my first story😫 I hope it wasn't too bad. I would love to read your comments and suggestions if you have any! Also remember requests are open and I will credit your account, bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals, drink water! 1323 words

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