Daisuga: Surpirse! Part 2

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Good morning/afternoon/night! So this is part 2 of surprise, I hoped you liked the first one, what did you think the answer to the riddle was before you go to this part? Anyways enjoy😊

Pov Daichi

"The school Library!" I exclaimed loudly.

It is normally open pretty late, around 10:30 p.m. I checked my phone to see 7:28 p.m. glow off my screen reflecting onto my tired face. I have plenty of time.

The wind was starting to pick up so I wanted to pick up the pace before I get stuck in the dark. I was passing the stone gravel of my school's courtyard ground, when the sun had set and the sky was a variety of pinks, purples, yellows, oranges, and a bit shades of red; clouds went across the sky giving the illusion they were on fire, everything was so unusually bright up there. Much different and more enchanting then the ground below.

Before I knew it I reached the library. The doors swung open and I glided through quietly looking around.

The smell of pages surrounded me with no sight of people around. I freely walked around to see if there was any big hint on where a letter could be placed.

This person seems to obviously know me well, so where would I put a note that I would want a specific person to find? I have been recently liking Greek and Roman mythology along with anything a mixture of science and fantasy.

I walk over in the direction of the fantasy section, the Library now giving me the feeling I was being watched, but not by something dangerous; like by friends... if that makes sense?

The letter must be hidden in something I recently read, so I went through the shelvies when I reached for the Percy Jackson series. I read this in middle school and loved it very much and wanted to reread it now in high school and it was amazing as always. But as I turned it over there was nothing in it.

I searched for 20 or so minutes when I got to a book I finished reading not too long ago 'Song of Achilles' it was called. The book was so cute and heartbreaking at the same time thinking back at the emotions it brought me. I grabbed the book from the second to bottom shelf and to my appreciation, a third note came out.

I was getting a little annoyed and wanted to find my team, so I quickly grabbed it promising to myself I will get this done quickly.

The letter was identical to the other two and looked almost a bit more rushed? I shrugged it off and turned it over reading: 'I am a place where others grow, some describe me as beautiful, others as dirty, others complain of how much work it can be to take care of me. What am I?'

This stumped me at first, I exit the library thinking the fourth letter could be in my classroom or something similar to that. But that would take forever and the Mystery Person would have to know my whole schedule and that would be a little too scary even for a game.

I continued to walk around seeing no except a few classmates leaving from clubs and teachers packing up their stuff to go back. I decided to sit on a nearby bench; my legs started to feel tired from this chance of going nowhere. I rub my temples with my pointer finger and thumb as the smell of flowers comes over me.

The Garden! I opened my eyes realizing that a garden would pretty much match the description.

Once a week, each class takes care of the garden for a class period learning of plants and then the Cafeteria would serve it when they had enough for salads and for sandwiches. It is located near the middle right of the school land. I had a pretty good idea on who was sending me this, but didn't want to get my hopes up to be disappointed and/or to stop the Flip Flopping feeling in my stomach when I think of him.

I searched the garden, the sky now dusk. Pulling out a flashlight on my phone to guide me and not to skip anything. The wind was picking up and the thought of the note getting blown away made me want to go faster through the vegetables section. I move on to the flowers part when I see a paper flap in the wind out of the corner of my eye; making a soft bending of paper sound.

It was near the roses that were white in the center and moving outwards a light pinkish orange color. The note in the center of one of them with green thorns dancing down the stem.

I pick up the last note and sigh, I put my jacket back on. Normally around this time I would be sweating from the drills of practice so the cold didn't bother me.

On the bright side, I had a pretty good idea that the notes were from the person I was hoping for early. That is why the writing looked so familiar!

It read: 'Congratulations on interpreting what these love notes mean! Now go back to the place this all started' It finished with a tiny heart on the end, wait did they say love note- I mean, that would explain the hearts.

I start sprinting under the dark night sky with the wind whistling past my ear. The Gym has lights on beaming I could tell from the windows.I brace myself for whatever is on the other side.

The beaming lights immediately clouded my vision causing me to look away.

"H-hey Daichi" a soft voice said. Sugawara(my crush and best friend) was standing in front of me with a sheepish look different from his normal goofy, caring, chaotic one. He was looking very anxious and my heart could NOT STOP spinning in my chest! He said a love note early, does this mean he likes me? When did he set this up? Where is the rest of the team? What if this was a joke?

Well, Suga is not the type of person to do that so this must be real, so many thoughts swarmed my head! I realized he was trying to say something and I wasn't responding.

"Sorry, what did you say?" A blush spread across my face as I said that, what is this? Some cheese love movie? I rub my neck trying to find something to look at anything other than Suga.

"I wanted to tell you for a while... god this sounds so lame." I hear him whisper under his breath. "I like you!" He shouts not making eye contact with me "Like like like you."

"Really? Cause I have liked you for a while now and- I am sorry I just wasn't expecting this," I say quickly out of happiness of what was happening. I must have looked like a tomato's twin now! We were arms length away from each other now, when I suddenly heard cheering from behind myself.

I look up at the stands above us to see the team! This is so awkward, "YAY MOM AND DAD ARE GETTING MARRIED!!" "WBSHCUOSBDGY!" Two lovely short devils yell. The rest of the team starts laughing along and some sassy comments here and there, but I caught none of it because I was to busy stuck in my thoughts.

"Daichi," Suga said more confidently, but still nervousness stuck in his voice. "Will you go out with me?" He said, stepping closer.

"Of course," I say over joyed that this was actually happening. Oh My God, if this was a dream, I would feel crushed.

"How did you set all this up?" I ask curious, trying to ease the shy tension in between us.

"We helped put this all together," Kageyama says, looking proud of himself.

"Yeah! While you were out looking for the next Love Letter, we were one step ahead of ya." Ennoshita pitched in.

I smile ear to ear forgetting my tiredness and scoop Suga up in a big hug! He embraced me back as I was smiling brighter now than ever. I have dreamt of him saying that he likes me back for a while now.

I hope you liked the story! It takes me a bit to go get the editing mistakes and write the story so by now it is 11:46 and I have my second finals tomorrow morning😀wish me luck, anyways you should drink water and get sleep because that is something important I should be doing sooooo bye I guess😅Open for more ideas btw words 1436

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