Kagehina: What

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I decided I was bored in the middle of the night so instead of studying for finals here I am wanting to do this so I hope you all like some angst😉
Also I DO NOT own this story idea, it was on printest I just wanted to write it out more, please send me idea if you have anything! Hope you enjoy

Hinata Pov
I woke up to my boyfriend yelling next to me in my bed, My setter sat up in bed with sweat dripping down his face and a terrified look plastered over it.

Early that day, We had a sleepover after a game that we won just barely, but we were still proud and not very stressed after and then had a normal dinner so I couldn't figure out why tonight he had a nightmare for any specific reason.

At the moment, I was just concerned for my King "Is everything ok?" I spoke softly trying to remember how Suga comforts others and myself when lonely or scared. He wraps his arms around us in a warm embrace, listening to what we have to say, and tells us things that always comfort us even though he is crazy sometimes too. Trying to be kind to him too, I attempted to say something when he spoke before me.

"The nightmare was of me being lactose intolerant," he says still looking f!cking scared.

That is how we broke up for the next 48 hours.

I just felt like writing this to mess with you and cause I got no ideas😭 anyway have a goodnight and drink water! 272 words

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