Nineteen: I kissed her

Start from the beginning

As she cupped her hand around his cheek, his hands gently gripped her waist. He moved a strand of her dark hair behind her ear with his other hand and Marinette felt herself melt, along with Chat.

When the two finally pulled away a few seconds later, they were both slightly breathless and their cheeks were flushed red. They stared at each other in shock as Marinette nor Chat could believe what they just did. Marinette felt her heart beat pounding at their still close proximity and only wanted to kiss her kitty again.

Chat on the other hand, was slightly freaking out inside, wondering if he had gotten too far. He had finally kissed her, kissed Marinette, and she had let him. He wasn't sure whether to jump up and down in joy or curl up in a ball and freak out. 

"Mari I-"

"Chat I-"

"Marinette!" Sabine called from downstairs. "You've been up there for so long, are you coming down?"

Marinette's head snapped to her open trap door as she panicked, she had completely forgotten about going downstairs for lunch.

"I-I better get going, see you later," Chat said and quickly jumped off her balcony before she could say anything.

Marinette touched a hand to her lips and smiled, she still couldn't believe that they had kissed and the thought only made her stomach invade with little butterflies.

"Sorry maman! I'll be down there in a minute!" Marinette called out and quickly jumped through her trap door and onto her bed.

"I can't believe you kissed Cat Noir!" Tikki said with an excited giggle.

"I can't believe I did either," Marinette said putting her face in her hands, internally squealing at the thought.

She hopped off her bed and went to wash up again and make sure her hair or anything looked normal. Once she was satisfied, she finally opened her trapdoor and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Her parents were waiting for her there with friendly smiles as she sent her mom an apology, mumbling something about being caught up with one of her current fashion pieces.

As Marinette ate her sandwich quietly, she kept thinking about the kiss she had with Chat. She had to contain her excitement before her parents became suspicious and curious, along with worried. It was nearly impawsible to contain her excitement though, never in a million years had she expected to kiss her partner. Not that she was complaining though, she was actually ecstatic and slightly nervous at the thought. 

"Is something wrong sweetie?" Sabine asked as Marinette's head shot up.

She frantically shook her head, "Nothing's wrong maman, I was just thinking," she said.

"About?" Sabine asked, her eyes shining a bit excitedly.

"N-Nothing important," Marinette stammered and took another bite of her sandwich.

Sabine shrugged and walked away, causing Marinette to let out a sigh of relief. Tikki poked out of Marinette's purse with a teasing glint in the kwami's violet eyes. "You might wanna tone down your excitement there Marinette," Tikki said.

Marinette shot a playful glare at Tikki before groaning, "I know, it's just surprising that's all," she said with a lopsided smile. Her kwami just shook her head before retreating back into her purse and Marinette took the last bite of her sandwich before getting up and grabbing her plate. 

She placed it in the sink and quickly washed her hands, glancing at the clock on her wall in the process. Class would start in ten minutes so she had a good amount of time to walk back.

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