This Isn't Real - 16

Start from the beginning

She waved the guys over and began dragging me through rooms and rooms and rooms. We saw Norah making out with Jordan in a slightly-empty room and gave her a thumbs up. She rolled her eyes over his shoulder, giving us the finger while she continued to kiss him. I took the time to admire Bracia's house. I looked over at the window and saw a small football field, tennis court, and gaga pit outside her house. 

We finally reached the kitchen and all of my friends and me went to the counter to grab drinks. My sister was there and I began talking to her when Maxine passed me some beer. I popped it open and took a swig, before turning to see Marcus sitting there. I sneered at him and he did the same. It made me remember what he had the audacity to do last night.

"Y/n?" He had crawled into her window again. But, she wasn't the one who had greeted him.

"She's not here." I stood there, my feet planted on the floor, arms crossed. Of course he was crawling into her window again, to see her, to pretend as if he was the perfect boyfriend.

"Well, where is she?" I shook my head fiercely, I'm not telling you. Get out. You're not wanted here." He huffed and walked up closer, "Where hell is she, Ginny!" I stood strong. "You don't care about her. She thought you were cheating on her, you know. So get out." His eyes widened and he yelled insults at me as he pulled out his phone to call her. I slapped it out of his hand and he grabbed it, going back out the window, after calling me a crazy, psycho bitch.

Y/n gave me a look, which made me frustrated. Is he more important? He did the same thing. I finished my beer quickly and grabbed another, stomping away from my sister. Maxine jogged up behind me and followed. I didn't really care though. I took another long drink of my beer can; if I was gonna be near Marcus and Y/n together, I couldn't be sober.

Y/n's POV

"Man, this tastes great!" I chuckled at my tipsy boyfriend. He leaned side to side in his seat, unable to sit still for a long period of time. He was only drunk enough to do funny stuff, but wasn't drunk tot he point where he couldn't control his actions. He still looked to have control over his motor"Maybe you should drink some regular seltzer, Marcus?" He shook his head, getting out of his seat with a lopsided grin. "I feel fine. I'm gonna go dance, I'll be right back!" He waved slightly and made a mad dash for the center of the room. Abby leaned back onto the cabinet above her head. "What happened to 'I don't dance?'"

I laughed and shook my head, "I don't know, but this is something I gotta see!" I pulled out my phone, went on Snapchat and clicked record. He wiggled around in an odd way and shook himself like a maraca. I stifled a laugh as he attempted a dice roll and tripped, falling into a couple dancing. 'Uh, sorry guys, carry on' he muttered and did a wave with his arms. We all started dying laughing and I finished the video, saving it to My Memories. I wasn't gonna post a slightly drunk Marcus, who clearly couldn't dance. I pulled out some water for him and poured it into the hole where his drink was supposed to be, after dumping out the alcohol.

He came back and took a long swig of his 'White Claw.' I smiled, knowing he'd become more coherent as the night went on. He sipped it again. I hooped off the table, knowing now that he was safe with Bracia, Abby, and his water. 

"I'll be back, I have to use the bathroom, okay? Stay right here, Marcus.' He nodded with a beaming smile and leaned into my face. This kiss was passionate and slow, as though he'd been thinking about it all night. "Okay, beautiful! I love you!" He kissed me on the cheek with a drunken giggle and waved as I walked away.

Ginny's POV

Wow, everything was like magic! Things kept floating around in front of me and it was so pretty. The lights were blurry and fun! I saw an ocean and a boat and an L in the middle of the room. Something red flashed at me. The music was slow and fast at the same time. Someone walked over to me and I waved with a smile, urging them to come over. "Isn't this fun? There are rainbows everywhere!" The person sighed and sat me down on the L. It was squishy! "Nice seat!" I patted it with both hands, squeezing the cushions. I should tell Hun- Then I frowned and sniffled, my eyes filled with tears. "Whats wrong, Ginny?"

IT'S COMPLICATED -- MARCUS BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now