{24} Reserved

Mulai dari awal

"Trust us, Aspen." He says softly, sensing my worry.

"I-" He holds his hand up, cutting me off.

"Just trust us."

Caspian stands up from his chair and moves around the desk and sits on the chair beside me. I look at him anxiously and he reaches over and grabs my hand. The foreign sense of safety and comfort comes over me. Why do I feel this way? I haven't felt this feeling since mother was alive, almost two years ago now.

I look up to Caspian who looks to have softened his expression. He then looks forward toward his desk, not losing his grip on my hand. I follow his actions, looking forward. It's silent for a moment before Caspian speaks.

"Ambrose, Sorin, and I are going on a business trip." I look back at him quickly.

"For how long?" I ask, he cant leave me with the two youngest idiots.

"The timeline isn't sure. Anywhere from two days to a week." I widen my eyes at his words.

"Why, where?!"

"It's just away for our company. We have to take trips like these sometimes. Alani will be staying in the house while we're gone and Jasper will be in charge. I trust you'll be on your best behavior?"

"Uhh" I hesitate for a moment, absorbing this information. This is going to be a nightmare. Jasper in charge?!

"Aspen" Caspian says warningly.

"Yes, I'll erm behave." I say defeatedly.

"Good." Caspian nods approvingly. "It's almost time for you to leave for school, I'm sure the twins are waiting." Caspian stands up and releases my hand. I follow his actions and start to approach the door but before I reach it, Sorin barges in, staring at a file in his hand.

"I found them! We f*cking found them, when are we leaving?" Sorin looks up and meets my eyes. "Sh*t" He mumbles.

"Found who?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Go now Aspen." Caspian says and I look back at him. "We'll be gone by the time you come home from school, we'll see you soon."

"Oh" I look back at Sorin. "Goodbye then?"

"Goodbye Aspen." Caspian says softly.

"See you soon" Sorin says, mimicking Caspian's tone. As I walk by Sorin, he grabs my arm and draws my attention. He looks into my eyes softly. "You'll be alright, yeah?"

"Yeah" I tell him, although it couldn't be further from the truth. How am I supposed to manage with Jasper in charge? I can tell Sorin doesn't quite believe me.

"We'll be back before you know it." He says, releasing my arm and I give him a small nod while walking out of the office.

I meet Jasper and Kohen who are already in Jaspers car and get in. Jasper glances at me through the rear view mirror and starts the car. Kohen is on his phone and looks back at me and gives me a lazy wave, which I return.

"So, now that I'm in charge, I expect total obedience. Is that understood?" Jasper asks, glancing back at me.

Am I a dog?

"Um I don't know?" I respond, watching the scenery pass by through the window.

Jasper suddenly has a dangerous smile on his face which Kohen notices and rolls his eyes.

"Chill man she gets it. You'll behave yeah, Aspen?" Kohen asks nicely. 

"Uh sure?" I reply hesitantly.

"You better." Jasper presses harder on the gas petal, weaving through traffic. I sit back in my chair and enjoy the speed, Jasper looks back and me with a blank face but his eyebrows are furrowed slightly. Probably frustrated I didn't get scared. Freaking Ass.

Soon enough we pull into the school parking lot and I put in my ear plugs. I'm feeling more sensitive than usual today and I'm not in the mood for a panic attack. When Jasper parks, I get out of the car quickly and part ways from Kohen and Jasper. I make my way to my locker and see Fay leaning on it. A rush of excitement washes over me as I make my way towards her. 

When she notices me, her face lights up and I walk faster towards her. To my surprise, she pulls me in for a hug, which I tense at. I lightly tap her back, hoping she doesn't sense how uncomfortable this is making me and she thankfully releases me soon after. She pulls out her white board and starts to write as I open my locker. 

Why haven't you been un school? Are you alright? Was it Osirus and Arlo? Do I need to kick some ass?

"No, you can calm down" I reply with a chuckle. "I just wasn't feeling well is all. I'm better now though." I don't like lying to Fay but I cant tell her the truth either. I just hope she can understand one day.

Oh, okay I'm glad you're better! Just so you know, Osirus and Arlo haven't been in school either so it's at least been peaceful for me.

I give her a smile but I'm confused as to why they wouldn't be in school. I wonder what happened to them after the bakery incident. I grab my things and as we walk down the hallway towards our classes, we finally exchange numbers since I haven't had my phone since we've met. I'm excited to have another friend to talk to, especially a girl. 

When we reach Fay's class, we agree to meet at our usual spot under the stairs for lunch. As I walk to French, I notice the hallways emptier than usual and decide to take my earplugs out, hoping it's a decent noise level. Thankfully it is and when I arrive at the door to French I reach out to open it but someone stops me. 


I know that voice.

But it cant be.

I turn around only to widen my suddenly teary eyes.



Thank you all so much for the support on this book!! I know I say it often but honestly I cant say it enough. You all are amazing and I appreciate you so much <3

Any feedback on the book is welcome! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Until next time :)

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