{1} Silence

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( TW: hunting animals, abuse )

The silence is vital when you're in the forest. Make one wrong move, step on a stick, bump into a tree and you've made your presence known. Your prey knows you're there and you've lost your shot. 

Making my way through the lush greenery in the near evening, I see her. The doe I've been hunting for the past month. She's strolling through the small opening in the trees. I stop in my tracks and give a hand signal to Quest telling him to hold position. I carefully tip toe behind a tree, avoiding sticks and leaves. I position myself and bring my gun up to aim at her head. The doe looks around cautiously, as if she could sense she's being watched. Not seeing any clear signs of danger, the doe continues to munch on the tall, green grass. 

Inhale, Exhale, Aim, Trigger, Sho-


I snap my head to the sudden noise and the doe mimics my actions. We both see the culprit, Ash. I quickly turn back to the doe who has already made a run for it, disappearing behind the tall shrubbery. Ash quickly realizing his mistake holds up his hands in mock surrender, I give him a glare and shake my head. I turn away from him deciding to continue my hunt for dinner. 

I move swiftly through the forest, light on my step. I turn to look at Quest who looks to need a break. I hold both hands up, letting him know he's good to take a rest. I take in our surroundings, a small creek to our right has caught the attention of Quest who goes over to take a sip of water. I focus on the trees before us and a see a moving white ball. Upon further inspection, I see it's a rabbit hopping around in the tall grass. I raise my gun to it.

Inhale, Exhale, Aim, Trigger, Shoot

My flawless aim got the rabbit. I motion for Quest to retrieve it. He happily does so and brings it back to me. Happy with our catch, I decide to go back to 'nature squad's clubhouse'. Name courtesy of Edith. The clubhouse is a medium broken down shed in the middle of the forest. It's surrounded by multicolored flowers and covered in green vines which Edith planted. 

I step inside to see Ash preparing his kill, some type of bird, to be cooked and Edith fiddling around with some plants she managed to find. I slam the door behind me, catching both Ash and Edith's attention. Edith looks confused when I direct a glare towards Ash. He chuckles nervously and holds up his hand that are covered in the bird's blood.

"H-hey there Aspen." Ash says nervously.

"Don't 'hey there' me!" I snap at him. "I was this close." I hold my hand up bringing my index finger and thumb close together. "THIS CLOSE ASH!"

"I know, I know, look I'm sorry okay?" I'll make it up to you." He says.

"You bet you will." I give him one last glare before softening my face and turning towards Edith.

"He messed up a kill for you again?" Edith asks with a knowing look. 

"Not just any kill, the doe!" I shout and Edith gasps and turns towards Ash.

"Hey! I said I was sorry" He defends.

"Go play in traffic." I mumble under my breath.

"Are you going to get this thing ready or just let it rot here?" Edith asks referring to my rabbit. "I have the herbs all made up." 

I nod and begin preparing the rabbit beside Ash.

After Ash and I are done, he takes the food and goes to make a fire outside. Quest is close behind him, surely only to catch any missing scraps that may fall. Edith and I follow him out shortly after and take our seats by the fire. Ash has the bird and rabbit over the fire on a stick, continually turning them to get an even roast. 

"How are things at home Aspen?" Ash asks, breaking the comfortable silence.

"The same." I mumble

Edith shakes her head and Ash's knuckles turn white at his grip on the stick. My mother died a year ago in a car crash leaving me with my stepfather. After my mother's death he began to abuse me, claiming it was my fault she died because she was on her way to pick me up from Edith's house. It started with a slap here and there but quickly escalated to punches and kicks. About 6 months ago it got inappropriate. He stole my innocence. 

Ash and Edith noticed a change in my behavior afterwards and demanded the truth. I reluctantly told them about what had been happening about 5 months ago, under the agreement they wouldn't tell anyone. I know it kills them to see this happening to me and their hurt makes me regret telling them. They don't need to worry about me, they have their own problems.

"How many guns have I given you Aspen?" Ash demands, "Put them to use."

"Then what? I'm put into foster care, move away from you guys, probably have to give up Quest. I couldn't survive that. Who knows if my treatment would be any better. Change of topic, please." I reply sadly. 

Ash huffs and takes the food off the fire. He hands us each our portion, including Quest who immediately devours the meat. If it weren't for hunting, I would be dead by now. Step father never buys food, Quest and I would have starved by now.

Edith's phone dings, drawing all of our attention.

"Crap, sorry guys, gotta go." She says and quickly stands up. It's 5:30 pm and step father will be home from work at 6.

"Me too." I say, standing up. 

We all split up, taking our own paths home. I walk in comforting silence with Quest in a heel and after 10 minutes, we make it to the tree line. I see the house and I shutter. I quickly lead Quest to his dog house and make my way to the back door. Carefully I open the door, and turn around to shut it. When I turn back around, I feed a cold hand connecting with my face, sending me to the ground. I wasn't quiet enough.

"Where were you?!" Step father demands, kicking me in the stomach. 

"I-in the f-forest." I reply shakily.

He grunts, picks me up and throws me across the room. I feel a gash on leg from a glass that broke on my impact. 


He starts approaching me and I can see from his sweat drips on his forehead and his blood shot eyes he's high. This wont end well for me. Before I can process anything, I take the gun out from my waistband and aim it right between his eyes. He suddenly stops and I can see his eyes going dark.

"Y-you're going to get out of this house and come back when you're sober. You're going to call social services and get me placed somewhere else, understand?" I ask suddenly gaining a boost of confidence.

He bursts out laughing uncontrollably. 

Inhale, Exhale, Aim, Trigger, Shoot


Here is the first chapter of Silence! Hope you enjoyed!

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