If that's the case then she didn't care about being dead then,but he didn't even allowed her to say a proper goodbye to her loved ones.

But this paradise is too beautiful she was no way going to bother or even cry,she'd just pray her loved ones also made it here.

The room was full of luxury and all,she turned to a glass door and instantly got up after taking into magnificent water view it feels like she's at the middle of a sea or ocean.

Ohh she won't mind leaving here all her life,

She slide the door and matched slowly outside as if afraid to break the place.

Lo and behold everything made sense to her she's in a resort,Ohh Allah she can't believe this.

She's in the middle of an ocean!

She could clearly see the living creatures in the see through clear water swimming, giving it a more pleasant picturesque sea view.

"Now I'm afraid that you might love this place more than you love me mermaid" she was startled by the voice which made her jump in fear.

This was no doubt her husband's voice,does that mean he's also dead and now they're together in jannah.

Wow just wow.

"Wh-what's going on" she stammered while he laugh real hard at her expression.

He moved to where she was and hug her from behind leaning on her back.

"I know the crazy thoughts going in your mind right now but no,this place is in nowhere near the beauty of Jannah, you're still very alive somewhere in the world in the middle of an ocean with your handsome husband" it doesn't matter the years they spent apart but this is his mermaid he knew the girl and her craziness like the back of his hands.

"But how and where are we"

"welcome to Maldives mermaid am,this is just a little from our honeymoon phase,I hope you'd enjoy it and the rest to follow" truth be told everyone in the family knew about the trip and he's glad no one had told her.

She abruptly looked into her appearance when she noticed how he was looking at her like a prey ready to devour on his host.

No way! She screamed in her head.

She didn't like the thought going on in her head but she couldn't deny the fact that it was the truth, for all she knew this wasn't what she was wearing on when this man kidnapped her.

She was in a freaking nightie with nothing beneath, whattt?.

He noticed how her eyes were bulging,her pupils dilating and right then he knew he was in trouble once again.

"Wallahi I can explain"

"Explained what Hammad, is there any explanation apart from what I'm seeing right now, just say anything but don't you dare tell me you stripped me off my clothing and changed me into this" she was furiously eyeing him.

He didn't see any big deal here so he was wondering why she was trying to make a mountain out of a hill.

Yes he did that but out of goodwill not what her dirty mind must be plotting, he thought she'd be uncomfortable to sleep in the heavy wedding dress that's why he changed her into something more comfortable.

"I only helped you pervert mind" he shrugged and she was more pissed, how dare he called her dirty mind when he's the one that acted dirty here.

"You freaking saw me off and now you're telling me it's not a big deal, just tell me your eyes weren't on me then and you didn't took advantage of the moment"

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