The bottom of greatness.

Start from the beginning

Riv piloted gunship down into the Underworld. The city of eternal night, where generations of people lived and died without seeing the sunlight.

'We need to find a flyable ship and get out from the Coruscant,' said Riv.

'I'd say we need to change clothes. And I'd say we do it first. Wearing those old robes is better than Jedi's outfit, but still far from good!' Shiri insisted.

'Fine, let's do it now,' sighed Riv and lowered to a nearby empty landing pad over the edge of underworld busy places

They managed to find a decent shop selling various stuff. It was situated in one of those low-income districts, so nobody paid much attention to two people wearing old dirty robes.

'Greetings! Welcome to my humble place!' Said a female rodian race seller. 'Is there anything I can offer you today?'

'We need some clothes,' said Shiri.

'And what kind of clothes do you need? Working robes, combat clothes, space or underwater?' The seller asked.

'Oh no, nothing like that!' Shiri replied. 'We need just ordinary clothes for ordinary people.'

'Yes, of course. You can check deeper in the clothes section. You and your husband shall find there everything you need.'

'Oh, she is not my wife,' said Riv smiling.

'I'm sorry!' The seller smiled too.

After getting a new look, Riv and Shiri went to the seller to pay for their purchases.

'Anything else I can offer you?' The seller asked.

'Might be you know, is anyone is selling some spaceships, unofficially?' Riv asked her.

'Not so ordinary people....' the seller said quietly, but Riv could hear her. 'Well, I might have a suitable contact for such deals.' The seller said.

'Sure, we'd like to meet him,' Riv gave her some extra credits.

'Fine then, I shall give you the location where you can find him. He shall be glad to have a business with you!' The seller said. Riv and Shiri thanked her and left the shop.

'Frankly, I thought this would be more challenging than it was,' said Riv while they were walking back to their gunship. They left the district and flew over the eternal night city to the coordinates from the seller.

They were approaching another industrial and low inhabitable area, filled with numerous old and semi-abandoned factories. The area was poorly lightened, with only red marking and beacon lights working, making the place look even more unpleasant. The coordinates the Rodian seller gave were leading Riv and Shiri towards quite a large cargo platform. But they saw only one big ship and a dozen armed men on that platform.

'I have a bad feeling about it!' Shiri said.

'This time, I shall agree,' nodded Riv. He would turn around and leave such a place on every other occasion, but not today. Riv initiated the landing sequence, although he clearly sensed a threat coming all around this place.

'Stay on guard. Those guys here aren't just businessmen,' He said to Shiri after their craft touched down.

Riv and Shiri slowly approached a group of armed people and a tall trandoshan male, wearing a long fur coat and many jewelers on his head and paws.

'So... You've been looking for a business?' Asked trandoshan with his hissing voice.

'We need a starship with working and reliable hyperdrive,' said Riv. He preferred to stay at some distance from the trandoshian and his "lovely partners."

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