Will you go on a blind date but your the only blind person

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I couldn't believe my eyes. There was two of them.

Lise quickly but gently grabbed my arm and read what it said. She first let out a gasp but it then turned into a laugh.

'Call me, maybe? ;-)' read the first one.

'Heres my number," read the second. They both had there phone numbers on it but which one do they belong to? was the only thought in my mind at the moment.

Lise kept on laughing and I turned my gaze towards her.

"Are you going to call them" she chuckled.

"Yes, no, I don't know?" I couldn't pick.

"Well if you don't I will" she said putting the last plate away. I prefer to do the dishes by hand it's much cleaner than using a dishwasher.

"I'm going upstairs, do you wanna come?" I ask as I take my first step on the stairs.

"Sure" she nods and runs up the stairs to my room. I soon follow her.

I walk into the room and collapsed on my bed. I feel tired, so many things have happened today. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted.

"Are you actually going to call him?" She questioned but a bit more seriously this time.

"Maybe, I'll think about it" and with that I fell asleep.

The next morning?¿?¿

I woke up from the sound of Lise falling down the stairs. This was a usual routine; Diane gets up because she's just a little ball of energy, runs downstairs making a loud sound thus waking up Lise. Then, she gets up and starts to lazily walk down the stairs but fails and falls the way down and because I'm half awake from Diane's ruckus, Lise falling down is just the cherry on the cake which leads to me getting up then go down stairs and face plant the bowl of cereal or piece of toast waiting for me to eat. It's a blunder I know.

I finish my my last sip of coffee and set it down. This is the time when people can talk to me.

"I'm just gonna go watch some t.v." my mum says making a wise choose to talk to me after I finish my coffee. Now she is heading off to our rumpus room.

After doing the usual modus operandi I decided to get changed.

I quickly but not aggressively because it's a Saturday I gathered a simple outfit but still really cute. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. Gosh I look grotesque.

I turned on the shower and put a plastic bag that we keep behind the bathroom door over my cast tightly and hopped in then washed myself. I spent about 15 minutes washing and brushing my teeth I came out of the shower. I quickly dried myself then put on my clothes. I walked back to my room and walked over to my vanity place and picked up my glasses.

I then turned to my bedroom door then walked out of the room.

I walked down the stairs and saw Lise sitting on the couch in our quiet room just reading a book about the human anatomy.

I sat down next to her. She just put her book down and looked at me. Still having that extremely idiotic and annoying smug look on the face. She is the master of smirks. Like she can slay the cocky look.

"What?" I laughed.

"Two things, one, you still have your plastic bag on your arm" she pointed to me arm. "And two, you haven't called them yet. have you?"

I grabbed the plastic bag and untied it, took it of, rolled it then placed it on my lap. I complete forgot about calling them.

"No" I said feeling kinda dumb for my poor choice of words.

"Well, are you going to" she said.

"I don't know" I hate not knowing the answer to things except surprises I love surprises.

"Let's do it!" She exclaimed. She put her book facing down on the coffee table facing down and stood up.

"Alright" I unwillingly got up and groggily walked over to Lise.

"Come on, where's that can do attitude?" Lise exclaimed.

"It's still asleep along with my actually caring for you attitude" I said smugly. Lise knows I'm only joking.

"Is that respecting your elders?"

"Your not older then me for crying out loud!" I snapped though she will still take this thing as a joke and it will go on forever. "By a year" I added

"Well only 8 minutes older" she said sounding snobbish.

We walked upstairs and crossed our media room where Diane was watching Dora.

I opened my room door and stepped right in. Diane comes racing through and starts jumping on my bed.

"Diane go away" Lise said sounding annoyed.

"No" she said still jumping.

"Hey Diane, if you go now we can watch a movie later" I tried to make an agreement with her.

"Okay" she smiled jumped off the bed and raced out of my room.

"Now" Lise closed the door after her. "What are you gonna say?"

"I was thinking" I said. "Who is this?" I pretended to show an imaginary sign.

"It's a yes from me" and she sat down on my bed. I went to my bedside table and grabbed my phone from the charger.

I turned it on and sat next to Lise. After that, I opened up the messenger app and I started a new message.

I looked at my cast and type down the number of the first one I read and it was the 'call me, maybe' one.

'I'm sorry, this is Tesla Reed you gave me your number and I have two so its confusing ah who is this?' I typed a bit ashamed of my awkwardness. I could feel Lise leaning over my shoulder.

I turned my phone off and laid my back on the bed. You'd be surprised at how stressful a little text can be.

I was then startled by the buzzing sound of my phone. I pushed myself up using my arms and turned my phone on. I looked on the screen and swiped to open up the message.

I'm feeling so anxious as to what the text might read. Man why does my phone take so long to load.

As if on time my phone loaded and I read out loud the message.

"have you messaged the other person yet?" It asked.

'No, why?' I typed.

"Because I want to take you out on a date like a blind date but your the only one that's going to be blind so please don't type the other person" I read.
Who could be? Please go and follow ella-httyd right now because she is a legend and helped my out on this chapter. And 175 views 18 votes people are amazing Sorry I hasn't updated in forever but thank you soo much.

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