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Dreams had always been something she could never differentiate from reality, the same fog that followed her into her dreams also clung to her skin when she was awake. Her fingers trailed on loose leaves and twigs while the cold air stung her bare skin, she pushed on. There was a purpose in this, there was a voice beckoning her own, urging her forward.
Following the road; not knowing exactly where she was headed, just that she needed to get there; her feet took her where they needed to and she trusted them, the world around her blanketed in that same fog she'd grown accustomed to over the years.

The passing cars with their honks and flashing lights didn't deter her, she preserved, moved out of the way of low hanging branches. She had a place to be, a secret that only she knew.

Tires crunch on gravel but it isn't enough to deter her from her walk, her muscles screamed faster but there was no clear objective in her mind. The car comes to a slow stop beside her but she pays it no mind. She just has to follow the pull inside of her body.

"Excuse me?" He's a young man, probably no older than mid twenties. "Excuse me?" He's in front of her, trying to stop her walking, the only thing that keeps her in her place is when he grabs both of her shoulders and forces her to stay in one place. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

She stares at him, eyes devoid of any emotion that would signal to her well-being, he does however, take note of her hands and feed that are covered in blood.

"Are you injured at all?" As well as taking in her hands and feet, he also notices the fact she is stark naked as the day she was born, he immediately removes his jacket and drapes it over her shoulders all the while she studies the things he does, still not responding. He reaches up to his shoulder to his walkie-talkie and contacts dispatch. "Dispatch, this is Officer Deputy Sheriff Parrish, I'm off duty at the moment but I have come across a caucasian female, maybe late teens, early twenties. We're gonna need a bus." He says quickly. "And make sure they send a hospital gown. Over."
"Copy that, Parrish, an ambulance is being dispatched to your location now."

She's stopped walking and now stands in front of him, he's about three to four inches taller than she is  He tries to take her all in to make sure there's no visible wounds that could have caused the amount of blood on her limbs. "Ma'am, is this your blood?"

No response.

Parrish takes it up to her possibly being in a catatonic state, she moves with him as he ushers her to his cruiser and helps her climb inside. He finds a throw blanket in the boot and wraps that around her too, under his jacket. He still tries to ask her questions and gives her the opportunity to answer them yet she never does. She sits quietly in the backseat of his car and stares into the forest.
Part of him was curious to know if she was trying to find something amongst the foliage, but she was probably in the middle of dissociating.

Not everything needed to warrant the checklist of Supernatural, he thought to himself.

"The forest has great hiking paths during the day." He says, talking more to himself than her at this point. "You should check it out."
"I'll think about it."

She spoke with a soft British accent. She actually finally spoke. His head shoots back in her direction, lightning quick and squats in front of her, looking up into her brown eyes.

The girl looks around, taking in her surroundings. Confusion sweeps across her face as she looks at the trees again and the cruiser and then through its window onto the road with its passing cars flying past; she shakes her head. "No, no." Her voice begins to strain, she can feel her tear ducts working in overdrive as she's on the verge of tears. Maybe a panic attack. She isn't really sure yet. "No, this can't be happening."
"What can't be happening?" He asks softly, hoping he doesn't drive her back into her silent state.
"This." She sticks her hands out roughly to emphasise her point. "I thought it stopped."
"I really appreciate you speaking to me, but I need you to fill in a few blanks." He says. "Just so I know how to help you."
"Nobody is going to be able to help me."

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