Cuddling/Bedtime Habits (All Characters)

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Big or little spoon?: Big.

Hajime Hinata

In contrast to his calm, undisturbed personality, Hajime is very affectionate when you cuddle. He'll kiss your forehead, stroke your cheeks, and tell you he loves you as you fall asleep into each other's arms.

Big or little spoon?: Big.

Nagito Komaeda

Nagito's weirdness doesn't stop when it's time to cuddle. He'll curl up on you like a cat and ask if you'd prefer using him as a "sleeping stone". You have no idea what the fuck that means, so you just tell him no, that he's cute just like that, and that will be the end of it.

Big or little spoon?: Little.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

Fuyu is not a mushy guy or big into PDA, so you LOVE taking the lovey-dovey stuff up to eleven when you're alone, and this includes cuddling. You call him every pet name in the book as you nuzzle him, and he'll blush and tell you that you're incredibly embarrassing. You just love making his face turn different shades of pink and amp up the gushiness as you lay in bed together. It's hilarious.

Big or little spoon?: Little, but he won't let you tell anyone that.

Kazuichi Soda

Kazuichi is a simple man- cuddles means he will hold you in his arms (and vice versa) and he'll fall asleep pretty fast- and after that there's no waking him up since he sleeps like a rock. You just have to make sure to warn him if you plan on applying a face mask before bed just so he doesn't get spooked again.

Big or little spoon?: Can go either way.

Teruteru Hanamura

Whenever you and Teruteru try and settle into bed together, both your silly sides come out. You'll put the cuddling on hold to have a pillow fight or tell scary stories under the covers like little kids, and after around thirty minutes, you'll cease your giggling and actually go to bed.

Big or little spoon?: Little most of the time, but sometimes he'll want to be the big spoon.

Nekomaru Nidai

When you actually settle down to sleep, it doesn't take long for you two to fall asleep. Unfortunately, it takes forever for that to happen due to a couple of reasons: Nekomaru still has a ton of energy even at bedtime, so he'll fidget or move around a lot. He also still sometimes yells which doesn't help you fall asleep any faster. The biggest obstacle however, is something that shouldn't surprise you- his shitting. He'll have to get up to shit at least once before you two actually fall asleep, which disturbs you, and you lay there in bed, waiting for him and praying he doesn't destroy your toilet.

Big or little spoon?: Big.

Gundham Tanaka

Even though Gundham insists that he doesn't sleep (instead he "absorbs dark energy") you know better, and insist that he stay the night with you sometimes. Every time you extend an invitation, he'll blush and accept, and the first time he stayed over, you were surprised that he wore his damn scarf to bed. He even tried to wrap you in it with him, but it just ended up with you two in a tangled mess.

Big or little spoon?: Surprisingly, he prefers to be the little spoon.

Twogami AKA The Ultimate Imposter

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