"Stiles and James get ready" Layla ordered, walking back towards the Sceetryon. She unfroze her, while the Sceetryon was whimpering in pain from her vines being cut. Layla put the silver powder in her hands from her bracelet and cast the magic barrier spell, trapping the Sceetryon just in time cause her vines were growing back. The group watched the Sceetryon's growing vines stop midway as she tries to get out of the barrier but couldn't. She burns every time she touches it. She was slowly getting weaker and dropped to the ground. "James, it's your turn." Layla continued holding the barrier. James walked towards the barrier and stepped inside.

"Malia" James started, but the Sceetryon didn't even lookup.

"Malia, I know you are still in there. Can you hear me?" James tried again. The Sceetryon looked up, her eyes brown and not yellow. James smiled at her, "Hi Malia, I'm James, your mate"

"Mate" Malia's voice can be heard.

"Yes, I need you to break free from this. I'm waiting for you" James said as he held the Sceetryon cheeks and kiss her on the forehead. "Can you do that for me?" James let go of her as he saw her eyes switching from brown to yellow and stepped back. The Sceetryon's body was shaking.

"Stop pushing me out," Sceetryon said weakly.

"No," Malia said. The Sceetryon transformed body disappearing and her pixie body was pushed out of Malia's ears. James held his hand out to Malia, which she takes and they stepped out of the barrier together. The Sceetryon was left inside the barrier on the ground.

"Stiles. It's your turn. Get ready" Layla said as Stiles took the silver jar from his backpack. He opened it and walked towards the barrier. He gave the signal to Layla to release the barrier. Layla release the barrier and Stiles trapped the Sceetryon in the jar and pushed her in it and closed it, "Got her."

"This isn't over," The Sceetryon said from inside the jar, be careful not to touch the edge. She stayed in the middle where the black paper was. "Honey, this is over," Stiles said to her. He turned to Layla, "Now, what do we do with her?"

"Theo will take her and give it to my mother, who will know what to do with her, but for now you, you keep her," Layla said and turned to where her mate was laying dead, tears fall from her eyes. She walked back to him and sat next to his body. Malia saw that Scott was dead and started crying, "What happened?"

"The Sceetryon happened" James answered her. He hugged her to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and dropped her face in the crook of his neck. Stiles handed the jar to Theo. He dropped next to Scott's body.

"What are we going to tell his mother?" Stiles said sadly with tears falling from his eyes.

"I will bring him back to life," Layla said.

"What you can't. You will lose your powers" Stiles said discouraging her.

"That's fine and they are not worth it. It's not like I'm losing everything, I will still be a cheetah" Layla said. She put her hands on her mate's stomach. She cast the revive spell, the forbidden spell. Her hands started glowing on her mate's stomach. When the glowing stopped, she dropped her hands. Scott opened his eyes, which were red, and roared.

 Scott opened his eyes, which were red, and roared

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"I was dead, now I'm alive," Scott said after he stopped roaring. He smelt vanilla and cinnamon scent and turned to see his mate, who was smiling at him with tears in her eyes, "Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did."

"I'm sorry, I had to. I couldn't let you die. Your pack needs you and I need you" Layla replied as she hugged him once he sat up. Scott hugged her back, putting his face in her neck and smelling her scent more.

"What about your powers?" Scott whispered from her neck.

"You're more important than my powers. Besides, I'm still a werecheetah" Layla said. They let go of each other. He smiled at her and turned to everyone to see if they are okay. He saw Theo holding a silver jar with the Sceetryon inside. He saw Malia with James, "You guys did it"

"We did nothing, it was all Hayden, Jay, Lydia, and your mate. You should have seen it, they were badasses, especially your mate. I record it, I will show you it later" Stiles said. Layla shooked her head at him. Scott stood up, Layla and Stiles stood up with him. He walked to Malia and hugged her, "I'm glad you're back." She hugged him back.

"I'm glad I'm back too" She replied as they let go of each other and she went back to hold her mate's hand.

"We should probably head back," Scott said to everyone, who nodded, including Mason and Corey, who were awake. Layla came and held his hand, he squeezed her hand. All the couple made their way back to their cars, holding hands.


End of crappy Chap.

Until next time, bye!!

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