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You wake up and look up to a sleeping Tom. You only had 2 days left with Tom and Harry before they left, so you decided to make breakfast with Harry and have a relaxed morning with Tom in bed. You get out of bed to get dressed into a sweater and pj pants but as always Tom feels you leaving and grabs your wrist.

Tom; ''5 minutes?"

You: ''Not this again haha. Im just gonna make breakfast for us and than ill be yours the whole morning.''

Tom; ''HA, you mean the whole day. We only have 2 days left and they are going to be lovely.''

You; ''Ohw im sorry mister.''

Tom; ''Hurry up.''

You; ''Yeah about that. Im gonna make it with Harry so that can take a while!'' you yell while speed walking into the kitchen.

Tom; ''I knew it!''

You; ''I love you tho!''

Tom; ''Yeah yeah''

You walk back into in the bedroom giving Tom a death glare.

Tom; ''Im kidding, I love you.''

You and Harry make breakfast while listening to your favorite songs.
You walk into the bedroom with pancakes with strawberries and chocolate and some tea.
Tom is on his phone not paying any attention to you walking in cause he's texting someone.

You: "I think I'll have to eat these alone but oh well."

Tom: "I'm sorry love, just work. That looks amazing! Come here."

You: "What about work?"

Tom: "Nothing important. Now let's eat those pancakes before they get cold." He says before kissing your forehead.

You: "What do you wanna watch?"

Tom: "We can also talk?"

You: "Don't we do that enough?"

Tom: "Good point. But really."

You: "Okay? What do you wanna talk about?"

Tom: "What are you going to wear today?"

You: "You want to talk about my clothes?"

Tom: "Jup. Now answer the question please."

You: "I don't know. Something simple and comfy since we're not going out I guess."

Tom: "That's where you're wrong."

You: "Explanation?"

Tom: "I'm going to take you on our final date. Until I'm back ofcourse."

You: "What's your idea?"

Tom: "Surprise."

You: "I do have to know what to wear cause I'm not going to the movies or something in a dress."

Tom: "Just something simple. Oeh and that keeps you warm. Like jeans and a cute sweater maybe?"

You: "Gonna take care of it."
You happily jump out of bed and open your closet. Jeans and a sweater. Ah.

Tom: "Dont you want to eat the rest of your pancakes before getting dressed? Or just stay with me maybe?"

You: "I already know."

Tom: "Show me."

You pull the outfit out of the closet.

You pull the outfit out of the closet

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Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now