3. The hard truth

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Tom; ''So y/n whats your drink?''

You; ''Hot chocolate please''

Tom; ''Good choice madam. Im going for that one too I think.''

You; ''Hahah sure, sir''
*As soon as Tom walks away you start thinking; ''I hope he's not going to ask about where I live''*

*Tom comes back*
Tom; ''Heres your drink.''

You; ''Thank you!''

Tom; ''So ready for some questions about life? Haha"

You; ''Try youre best.''

Tom; ''Alright. So what brimgs you here?''

You; ''My parents.''

Tom; ''Do you still live with them?''

You; ''Uhm no, and you?''

Tom; ''nope, all by myself, but my parents do live very close to me.''

You; ''Omg thats so cute!''

Tom; ''It's how you wanna say it haha. But where do you live if I may ask?''

You; (in mind): ''Sh*t!'' ''Uhm well.. My parents kinda kicked me out so I sleep in the shed where we were earlier.''

Tom; ''Omg thats terrible.''

You; ''Don't worry about it. It's only cold there but thats all haha.''

Tom; ''Was it your fault?''

You; ''Well I left because I wanted too...''

Tom; ''What do you mean?''

You; ''Lets say my parents did terrible things''

Tom; ''Like what?''

You; ''First they kicked my sister out because she came drunk home from her first party. I mean she was young, she wanted to try things out.''

Tom; 'Do you know where she is?''

You; ''I do. Then we had a lot of fights because my grades were going down. I had to take extra lessons but we didn't have the money for that... Suddenly my parents stopped paying for all the things of school, so ofcourse I wasnt alloud to go to school anymore and then I finally found out why they werent paying anymore... They were using drugs...''

Tom; ''I'm so sorry... I dont even know what to say...''

You; ''No I get it.''

Tom; ''Stay with me.. I have a spare room for you.''

You; ''Don't be silly. I will make it there.''

Tom; ''No you are coming with me. It's almost winter and it will only get colder and colder.

You; ''Arghh fine..."

*You get in the car with Tom to pick up you're stuff at the shed.*
Tom; ''Well that's not much''

You; ''I don't need much.''

Tom; ''Where going shopping.''

You; ''What do you need?''

Tom; ''Well I do need a new blouse but actually were going for you.''

You; ''No, I'm fine.''

Tom; ''Still were going shopping. Also could you please make a list for the things you like to eat and stuff because we need to go grocery shopping to.''

You; ''Alright than.''

Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now