30. Good Wheater pt. 2

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You; ''I love you.''

Tom; ''I love you too.''

You; ''Dont say ''Too''.''

Tom; ''Why not haha.''

You; ''It sounds like im forcing you to say it back.''

Tom; ''I love you haha.''

You; ''I love you too.''

You get up and jump into the water.

Tom; ''Hey!''

You; ''I love you!''
You both burst out laughing.

You wrap your arms around Harry's neck to take a break from swimming. Tom gets into the water too.

Sam; ''Can I steal her from you?''

Harry; ''Here you go.''

You turn around to swim towards Sam and wrap your arms around his neck.

You; ''Whats wrong?''

Sam; ''I noticed you ate all the strawberries so youre paying for that.''

You; ''Am I? Tom! Catch me!''

You jump over to Tom.

Tom; ''I got you love haha''

Sam; ''Youre buying me new ones.''

You; ''Maybe, maybe not.''

Sam; ''You better buy new ones.''

You; ''Or what?''

Sam; ''You'll see.''

You; ''Mmh okay."

You get out of the water and lay on a towel to watch the boys playfully fight in the water. You can only smile about the fact how important family is to them.

*1 hour later*
The boys are still playing in the water while getting out sometimes to grab a little snack and check up on you.

Sam: "Are you scared to get in now?"

You: "I am tanning Sam leave me alone! And if there's one person that isn't afraid of you than it's me." *You give him a little evil grin*

You put your earphones in again to listen to music and close your eyes.
Sam sneaks out of the water and grabs a cup to fill it with some water. He throws the cup full of water all over your body while your phone was laying on your stomach.

You: "Asshole! Now my phone is all wet!"

Nobody expected you to actually get mad but you were.
Tom, Harry and Paddy get out of the water.

Tom: "Is it still working?"

You: "Ofcourse not!"

Sam: "I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't notice your phone was laying on your stomach."

You: "It's fine. I'll just buy a new one ass."

Sam: "Really?"

You: "No Sherlock! I can't! Do you think I have the money for that when my job is taking pictures of some people?! I would've bought me an apartment right? So I didn't need to live in a fk shed?!"

Tom: "Relax love. It will be okay. We're going home, take a shower and get ready to buy you a new phone, okay?"

You: "No I don't need a phone."

Tom: "You do."

You: "I don't know what you're used to Tom but I'm not one of those girls who are here for your money and fame."

Tom: "I know. I just want to do you a favor."

You: "Yeah sure."

Tom: "May I ask you Y/N. What do you think of me?"

You: "What do you mean?"

Tom: "Do you think I'm trying to be cool with "my money an fame"? Do you think money makes me happy?"

You: "It doesn't make you unhappy, but that's with everybody. And no I don't think your trying to be cool."

Tom: "Otherwise you just need to tell me and you're free to go."

You walk up to him and hug him.
You: "No I'm sorry. I was just mad."

Tom: "It's fine."

You: "If you insist we can buy a new one-"

Tom: "Great!"

You: "I wasn't finished."

Tom: "Sorry."

You: "I don't want the newest IPhone or anything, just the same as this one."

Harry: "An IPhone 6s?! Y/N come on."

You: "I have like 250 dollars because I'm still paying for the shed even though I'm never there anymore haha. So yes. An IPhone 6s."

Tom: "Well see in the shop."

You: "Actually I don't wanna go yet."

Sam: "What do you wanna do than?"

You walk over to Sam and push him into the water.
You: "Swimming Ofcourse!"

Tom puts on some music and jumps into the water together with Harry and Paddy.
This moment was all about laughter, fun and lots of love and you totally forgot about the negative things in your life. It was just you and them and nothing more.

I'm sorry it took so long, I didn't feel like writing this week and Ofcourse writing isn't done in 15 minutes so I'm sorry but I hope you still like it! xxx

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