32. Plans

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~The next day~

You wake up because the sun is shining on your face, you turn around to face Tom but you see that he's still asleep. Automatically you a big smiles appears on your face bc of the way he looks. You kiss his forehead and whisper;

You; ''I love you.''

You get up to change your outfit but immediately you feel someone pulling you back onto the bed, you know its Tom and start laughing immediately. You cuddle up next to him.

Tom; ''I love it when you smile at me in the morning while im ''asleep''.''

You; ''Its creepy haha.''

Tom; ''Still I think its cute.''

You; ''Well Mr.Holland, hopefully we wake up again tomorrow and I can do it again.''

*He kisses you*

Tom; ''I love you btw.''

You; ''Im going to make breakfast.''

Tom; ''Im just gonna turn around for another 20 minutes.''

You; ''Dont you wanna make breakfast with me?''

Tom; ''You dont want to cuddle with me either.''

You; ''We cuddled all night Tom. Besides its 10.30.''

Tom; ''Well we couldve made breakfast last night but you didnt ask me.''

You; ''Youre so stupid haha.''

Tom; ''No cuddles for you Mrs. Y/L/N.''

You; ''No breakfast for you Mr. Holland.''

*You walk away smiling.*

Tom; ''Thats not fair!''

You laugh and start making breakfast with again Michael Jackson in the background really loud so that everybody would wake up.

Song; Thriller - Micheal Jackson

Paddy: ''Y/N! Not again please!

You; ''Come on guys!''

You start singing while the twins get out of their room and join you.

You; 'Cause this is thriller, thriller night''
You, Harry and Sam: ''There ain't no second chance against the thing with the forty eyes, girl
                                 thriller, thriller night you're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight.''

*You all burst out laughing*

Harry; ''I missed hearing you sing to Michael.''

You; ''I missed laughing with you.''

Sam; ''Me too.''

You; ''Can we continue this fun moment later? Me and Tom kinda have something to celebrate. I hope atleast.''

Harry: ''What are you celebrating?''

You; ''We'll tell you later.''

You walk into Tom's room with some breakfast. You put the breakfast down onto the nightstand beside your bed. You gently lay down next to Tom and give him non-stop kisses on his cheecks and lips.

Tom; ''Well  this is a great way to wake up.''

You; ''Wanna watch some episodes of (Your fav serie)?''

Tom; ''Anything for you love.''

You grab your breakfast and place it on your lap.

Tom; ''You really didnt bring me anything?''

You; ''You still havent promised me cuddles for tonight.''

Tom; ''Omg I wouldve cuddled you anyways, but i'll make breakfast myself.''

You; ''You actually thought I was gonna eat all of this by myself?''

Tom; ''You really wanted to do something special didnt you?'''

You; ''Im moving in, hopefully, so yes ofcourse.''

Tom; ''Love im so sorry.''

You; ''For what?''

Tom; ''I didnt plan anything.''

You; ''Ohw no thats fine.''

Tom; ''No im gonna plan something for tonight and im gonna get you a gift.''

*You lay your head on Tom's lap*

You; ''Being here, with you. Is the best gift someone could get me.''

*He plays with your hair*

Tom; ''O really?''

You; ''Really.''

Tom; ''Wanna watch now?''

You; ''Ofcourse!''

You lay your head on his chest, you can hear his heartbeat and smell his perfume.

Tom; ''Y/N?''

You; ''Mmh?''

Tom; ''You really thouht I would forget? After I did my happy dance?''

You look up to him and smile.

You; ''Tom. You didnt have to. Were gonna make so many beautifull memories here and thats the best thing you could do for me.''

Tom; ''I know I know but some memories have to be a little more special than others right?''

You; ''As long as it isnt expensive.''

Tom; ''I promise.''

You continue watching your serie. Meanwhile you get a call. Its Harrison.

~on the phone~

You; ''Hey Haz, whats up.''

Harrison; ''My flight got delayed. You should arrive, lets see, uhmm an hour later. Is that okay?''

You; ''So we need to pick you up at..?''

Harrison; ''11.15 PM.''

You; ''Okay great. See you than. Love you and have a safe flight.''

Harrison; ''Love you, ill call Tom.''

You; ''Great bye!''

He hangs up and you walk into Tom's room to see him a little upset.

You; ''Hey. Whats wrong?''

Tom; ''You just said "I love you" to another guy?!''

You; ''Tom it was Haz.''

Tom; ''Yeah sure.''

You; ''Im serious, I wouldnt do that to yo-''

Tom picks you up and throws you playfully on  the bed. A big smile appears on his face and he starts tickeling you.

You; ''Thomas! *You laugh* Stopp! You know I cant take that!''

Tom; ''Im sorry Love but do say that than.''

You; ''Its a friendly ''ily''. I would never love someone the way I love you.''

Tom; ''I know haha, I was just kidding but you shouldve seen the look on your face haha.''

You; ''Asshole.''

Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now