While looking you hear a quiet voice in your earpiece, which Aizawa gave you before the exam. So you can talk to Shoji. "He sees you,"

Your eyes widen slightly. "How?" You whisper back to him while pressing the button on the earpiece. "I can't see anything-" You are cut off by the feeling of a cold metal held to your back.

"You can't, but I can," The voice connected to the metal spoke.
Your eyes widen as if everything you have ever known or loved, died. You gulp.

In an attempt to regain focus, you close your eyes a take a silent yet deep breath. 'Alright Y/N, what do we do? Think of your strengths,' You think to yourself.

"Put the bow away," Snipe commands in a serious tone.

'Bow, sword, strength, hand to hand?' As you think you change your bow into its angel form and put it back on your shoulder as you raise your hands. You think back to when you and Shoji were talking strategy.
Then your grand idea comes to the front of your mind.

You start to turn around slowly. Once facing him, Snipe is now holding the gun to your chest. "You got something you wanna say, little girl?" He asks in a cocky tone.


Bakugou grips the metal bar way too tight. As if he held it any looser, he would be whisked away by a strong gust of wind.
What he didn't know, what that everyone else in the room was feeling the same way. Y/N is in trouble, and none of them can do anything. She is being held at gunpoint. By one of their teachers no less.

"Did they just fail?" Midoriya asks fear lacing through his voice.

"No, she's gonna come up with something," Bakugou says. He was talking to Midoriya, but also himself. Reassuring himself that you are ok. "She always does,"


You stare at the man in front of you through his visor. However, you can't see his eyes because the visor is too dark.

You take a quick glance down at the gun then look back up at Snipe. You inhale slightly and hold your breath for a moment. Then, in one quick motion, you hit the gun out of his hand and do a back walkover kicking him in the face.
While Snipe is still trying to process what just happened, you start to run around the pillar, to the other side of it. Where you can now exhale your breath.

Pressing the button on your earpiece, you whisper to Shoji, "Time for plan B,"

As you bring your arm down, you hear a gunshot. Snipe started to chase you as you ran around the pillar, like a game of cat and mouse. You run around the pillar a few times, Snipe only focusing his attention on you.

However, he noticed Shoji. He stopped and raised his arm to aim his gun at Shoji. However, before he had the chance to pull the trigger, you grab your angel, quickly turn it into a bow and shot his arm with your arrow, causing him to fall to the ground, asleep.
Both you and Shoji let out a long breath of relief.


Everyone in the observation room lets out a breath of relief. Bakugou hangs his head, relief plastered to his face. He hears Y/N tell Shoji to cuff Snipe, then the victory buzzer goes off, letting the team know that they passed the exam.

Then Bakugou smirks. The thought of what you told him in the woods, before you left for the exam, came to his mind. He brings his head back up and pushes off the railing where he notices he burned the bar.
To be honest he was surprised he didn't set off any explosions. Instead, he just heated up the bar.

Throwing his hands in his pockets, he starts to walk out of the observation room, when Midoriya chirped up. "T-Tell Y/N I said congratulations."

Bakugou stops. He thinks for a moment, then continues walking out.


Boom boom boi
oi where tf are you???

omw to talk to mr aizawa

Boom boom boi

need some gadgets for my hero
meet me there???

Boom boom boi
no shit
Read 12:41

Rolling your eyes you throw your phone in your pocket and continue your search for Mr. Aizawa. You search for a little while.

You start walking down the hall to the teacher's room when you spot Bakugou just down the hall looking for you. "Oi. Boom boy," You yell catching his attention. He rolls his eyes and walks over to you.

You knock on the door to the teacher's room, catching all of the teacher's attention. "Uuh, Mr. Aizawa, is there a way to get some hero gadgets to improve my performance?"

"Yea, go to the support class and ask one of them," Mr. Aizawa replies.

"I suggest Hatsume. She makes great gadgets. She is a bit of a character, but she does good work," Mr. Maijima said. He is the support class' teacher so you did expect him to chime in.

"Thanks," You start to walk away, but Mr. Aizawa calls you back.

"Tell Bakugou he has to stay here. His exam is going to start soon," You smirk and turn your head to Bakugou who was leaning against the wall beside the door.

"You catch that?"

Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Yea yea," he pushes off the wall, and you both start walking towards the front doors of the building.
When outside, Bakugou pulls you to him by your hips. "You said we could finish later,"

"I did. But right now, I have to go to get some gadgets," You say pushing away from Bakugou as he lets your hips go. "You should consider strategizing with Deku," You start to walk away.

"I'm not working with that damn nerd," Bakugou exclaims throwing his hands in his pockets.

"You know I'm right," You say as you spin around and start walking at your normal pace. You hear Bakugou grumble something.
An idea pops into your head. You smirk and spin around on your heels, while still walking away. "Think about what I said. And we can finish up at my house," You wink. That caught his attention. Bakugou looks up at you with a smirk. You give him a cutesy smirk and spin around again, and walk away from him.

Words: 1827

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