chapter 29

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'what do you mean you found my parents, where are they, can i see them?'
'we have them in our holds, they will be taken away soon to a classified location, if you want to see them, you're going to have to come with us... are you sure you're up for this?'

'us, there's only you here,? but yes i'm up for it'
'my accomplice is in the car, so if you would please come with me and we'll take you to see your parents one last time'

you follow the man to the black bmw, and get in, you'll finally get to see your parents. but do you really want to see them, what will you even say, they're basically strangers to you right now.


the car ride to the facility was long and boring, but atleast you'll get to see your parents.

and there they are, waiting for you.

even though they're handcuffed and being closely watched by guards you're so happy to see them.

'mama, papa'
'darling' they both say in unison
'it's been so long' you start to sob,
'we know and we are really sorry, we know our time with you right now is our last and is so limited so we just wanted to tell you that we love you, and we wish we were better for you, we wish we were there for you when you needed us, and we hope the best for you and your future.' they started crying midway, and now you're just enjoying the feeling of being in their presence.

'i... thank you... i'll miss you both so much... this is the last time i'll see you... i wish life could have played out differently.'

'we have to leave now honey but just remember we will always be with you, in spirit, please don't forget us'
they leave with the guards, leaving you broken yet healed to an extent.

you saw your parents, but for the last time forever.

'come on miss, we're going to take you home'
'thank you, for bringing me to see them, i really needed this' you smile for the first time in ages.


it's late, really late, and you can't get to sleep. you lay in your bed replaying the moments that had passed, the last moments with your parents. you fall asleep once your body can't stay up any longer, physically and mentally drained from the past events.


wednesday, yet another headache, but no need to attend school, no important lectures you need to attend. you have your aspirins and spend the day doing what you love, painting, you had decided upon doodling on the walls in your room, adding a bit more comfiness to your room.

you can't stop your mind from wandering back to her and what you had, but all good things come to an end eventually , but you hope it isn't the end, maybe there is a way to save what you had. probably not tho, plus you're making no attempt to be friendly again.

maybe you're soulmates who are destined to be together, but not in this life.

maybe you were meant to be but not meant to last...

A.N*i think i'm finished with this idk tho, might write another book you never know, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it :)*

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