chapter 12

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A.N*imma be honest not to sure about this chapter it's also a bit sensitive so ye, enjoy*

'you really think that i'm going to be ok after what happened yesterday, if people know then i could loose this job and not be able to get others, this has been really hard for me, and honestly i have way more to loose than you do when it comes to us. and i didn't respond coz why would i, this whole thing is probably gonna cost me this job, i think it's best if we don't talk about us anymore and just keep it strictly teacher and student... it'd be for the best... and yes i havent slept for 2 days thanks for noticing.' her voice faded as she went on.

'ye maybe your right, we should just end whatever we had, but i'm going to keep the memories, our time spent together was some of the best moments in my life and i'm not willing to let that go... i'll be leaving now that i know what's going on... i'll see you next week... bye miss' you leave without hearing her response knowing you'd just fall apart if you stayed in there any longer.

how could something so good have come to such a bad end, because it is the end, the end of something beautiful. you get your hoodie out your bag and put it on covering your face with the hood. you walk towards the exit of the school and go wherever your legs take you.

it's stupid and unsafe but you don't care, you really don't have anything to loose at this point and you know it. the best thing you had going for you just ended, your parents aren't even home, they could be dead for all you know.

so now your alone, all by yourself.

you find yourself at a quiet, secluded spot down by the stream near your house. you take a seat under the big oak tree, listening to the calming sound of water flowing, something that never changes, something constant unlike everything else in your life.

the phone in your pocket rings, it better be important you think.

'hello' you ask.
'hello am i speaking to the daughter of James and sarah'
'erm yes'
'well i'm sorry to inform you but they've fled the country, their gone, they're not coming back. they left me a note to tell you that the house is yours and that they've left you all their money on a bank account that you'll be able to access once the bank send you through a debt card.'
'they're not coming back... THEYRE NOT COMING BACK, THATS GREAT, JUST AMAZING thank you for letting me know' you chuckle a cold heartless laugh, your sanity fading.
'are you going to be ok, it's quite a lot to take in?'
'oh yeah i'll be fine, thank you bye'

you cover your eyes with your hands, tears threatening to spill and yet no come out, you sit there, numb.
it's funny how your whole world can just come crashing down.

the night begins to plague the sky, grey cloudy travelling across the once blue sky, the moon light constricted by the layers upon layers of clouds.
no stars visible tonight, they had disappeared like your hope for the future.

the walk home was a long and painful one, just you and your thoughts. just you and the cruel reality of your life.

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