chapter 6

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you get home from school to a empty house again... but no note this time as to why they ain't here. sometimes you wonder if they're lying just to get away from you. you shake the thoughts away and go make some food and somet to drink.

later on in the evening you hear knocking at the door... you walk over and look through the peep hole to see miss H standing there with an annoyed look on her face. you open the door to which your greeted by
'you babe, are really starting to mess with my head...'
'in a good way i hope' you raise your eyebrow as you close the door once she's inside.
'in a good way my arse' she huffs with annoyance, you just laugh and walk into the kitchen leaving her a bit puzzled by your reaction. 'want some coffee ?'
she looks at you 'who says i'm staying'
'well your not gonna make a stop at my house just to tell me that i'm messing with your head are you ?, you could have easily just sent me a text saying that' you smile at her innocently.

'unless you have somewhere else you need to be?'
she thinks for a moment before responding
'well i don't really have anywhere i'm supposed to be so i guess staying a bit won't hurt.. but no funny business ok?'
'sure sure whatever you say, now come on i wanna show you around the house' you pass her her coffee and take her upstairs to show her your room.

'woahhhhh' she mutters under her breath, yet you hear her.
'pretty cool right'
'yeah it suits you i suits your vibe'
'and what vibe is it exactly huh?'
'like childish but mature, gay and disorganised, artistic and creative'
you stare at her shocked at how she just summed your whole personality up with one sentence while she just grins at you.
' was the vibe i was going for and i guess i achieved it then' you walk over to your bed and lay down as she walks over to your guitars.
'you play?'
'i guess you can say that, i sorta sing and write songs aswell' you chuckle and rub your neck in slight embarrassment.
'play something for me'
'what?' confused, you gaze at her serious face
'you're being serious ?'
'mhmm why wouldn't i be'
'i don't know... i don't really sing or play infront of people' you walk over to get your acoustic guitar and pick it up, sitting back down on your bed, warming up your fingers ready to play something for the beauty that's now sitting next to you, watching you intently with a look of adoration. you think of a song to sing but can't think of any popular songs so you settle for singing one of your own.

you start to strum the chords and hum the melody getting your voice warmed up, you start to sing and the whole way through even though your eyes are closed you can feel her watching you. once you finish she remains still almost frozen, finally she asks why
you chose the song.
'well i wrote it recently for a certain someone and it's the only one i remember off the top of my head'
'who's this certain someone?' she questions almost as if she's worried there's someone else in your life you could feel so passionately about.
'you...' you say quietly.
a silence fills the room, not an awkward silence but a silence to process what had just happened...

the silence was interrupted by her phone going off.
'sorry i'll only be a few'
the phone call lasted about 5mins giving you a bit of time to collect your thoughts and think of what you wanna do next.
'i'm back' her voice drawing your attention.
you look up to find her smiling from ear to ear.
you slightly raise your eyebrow.
'oh right sorry it was just my mechanic telling me he could pick up my car and get the bumper undented'
'how will you get around if he take your car to the garage?'
'oh, i didn't really think this through did i' a small laugh escapes from you.
'you can just crash here no biggy, my parents probs won't be back till god knows when so you'll be fine'
'are you really sure that's a good idea?'
'well yeah coz nowt bass gonna happen, please just stay this once, it gets pretty lonely when the house is always empty' you put on your best puppy-dog face and she gives in.
'where am i gonna be sleeping then? coz i ain't gonna sleep in your bed if that's what your suggesting' she raises an eyebrow and you just laugh
'well you have a few options, the sofa downstairs but it gets cold at night in their, the guest room or you know my room but i'm guessing the last options outta the question'
'i'll sleep in the guest room then... and where can i find the guest room?'
'just to the right when you get out into the hallway, also if you wanna take a shower there's towels in the white cupboard and some spare unused tooth brushes, you wanna shower first or?' she thinks for a bit
'you go first then i need to sort my stuff out for tomorrow anyways just let me know when your out so i don't "accidentally" walk in on you'
'oi you can't say stuff like that'
'who's gonna stop me, you? you would never'
clearly flustered she leaves to go into the bathroom to sort herself out while you get your clothes for tomorrow ready.

about 20mins later she walks out, her hair wet and tangled and yet she still looked like a goddess and a towel wrapped around her, you turn around suprised by the sight but quickly regain your composure...
'i left mi clothes in the room, sorry not sorry.'
'oh you absolute tease, i'll get you back for this' you threaten but she only giggles and smiles going into her room. you then go into the bathroom and take a hot shower to wash away all the tension and spicy thoughts, which to say the least worked.

'goodnight' you shout
'goodnight babe' she shouts back.
only now you realised just how long the nights gonna be.

A.N*i have no idea where this is going but enjoy ;) it might get worse in the next chapter if yk what i'm sayin ;)*

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