chapter 7

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A.N*dont actually know what this is not as proud of this but imma put it up anyways hope you enjoy*

its about 1am and you get hungry so you quietly get out of bed making sure to not make any noise. silently you open the fridge looking for some snacks. nothing,
you can't find anything you'd wanna eat.sneaking over to the sweet draw you look for anything that could appeal to you right now, and yet your still unsuccessful in your search.

you hear a movement behind you.

warm arms wrap around you engulfing you in a fairly loose hug, comforting warmth spreads through you as you feel them lean into the hug.
'what are you doing up so late huh?' her voice quiet and calm sleepy almost. you think carefully about your answer, whether you should tell her she's been on your mind keeping you up or that you got hungry both of which being the truth.
'i got hungry so i was just looking for some snacks, hope i didn't wake you up'

you sharply inhale as you feel her warm breath on your neck.
'no you didn't wake me up,but...'
'but?' a slight hint of fear evident in your voice.
'nah nevermind' you turn your head slightly to look at her and only then realise how close you actually are.
you give her a confused look urging her to go on with whatever she was saying but she just shakes her head.

she slowly withdraws her arms and moves back, already feeling the lack of contact you frown but not enough for her to see, not wanting her to see just how much her touch affected you.

'i'm off to bed now cya tomorrow babe sleep well'
you watch as she disappears down the corridor, saddened by how as quick as you felt her touch you lost the warmth of it when she drew back. a cold sting nipping at your skin where her arms once were.

you decide against getting food because there isn't any and you've lost your appetite due to the scene that just occurred. you drag your feet along as you walk suddenly drained of any energy you had. once you reach your bed you plop down face first and fall asleep.

*her hands firmly attached to your waist, your tongues battle for dominance, your hands at the back of her neck tangled in her lustrous, thick hair. her hands travel to the hem of your shirt, teasing your skin with light gentle yet electrifying touches just before going under. her fingers lightly graze your skin making you moan a little allowing her to gain dominance in the kiss*

your jerk upwards, eyes wide, gripping the sheets very tightly with both hands. it takes you a while before you realise where you are and what's going on.
'it... it was just a dream... ffffffuck..' you look to the clock to see it's 6:55am, only a few minutes before your alarm, so you gather your thoughts and get out of bed to get ready for another day of school.

you just hope your parents aren't back to find her in the guest room.

A.N*this chapter turned out way shorter than i'd hope so i might add to it later. peace out ✌️*

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