chapter 11

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-you either tell us when and how or we telling everyone.

-i have no idea what you're on about

-don't even try and lie we saw you

-you saw me ?

-stop pretending you don't know what we're on about, you were with her

-who's her?

-fine you wanna play that game huh, well then you better be careful, we're gonna be watching you now, to see if it was really you and miss

-phahah ok bestie bye ✌️ but liek you ain't gonna see owt, i have nothing to hide.

-you sure?

you don't reply, you quickly write a text to H:

-hey babe, so don't freak out but... them people we saw, i think they're on to us... they saw us, but luckily they don't have any evidence we were together apart from that they "saw" us together. we gotta be more careful now :( xx

you send it and hope she doesn't react really badly.

-oh no, well fuck, but no i ain't giving this up. like you said, we just gotta be more careful now, nothing too hard right? we'll manage, we'll get through it, i promise xx

she sounds so confident you believe her but the question is, can you really trust in the fact they won't tell anyone? or will they go out of their way to make your life a living hell before they can prove anything.


sunday comes around, you didn't sleep at all too worried about the future. and how your world could possibly completely fall apart and how it's not just your life that's going to get fucked hers will too.

it sucks. having such a great time with her only for it to be ruined by the very people you thought were your friends. people really do suck don't they ?

you get of bed not bothering about getting dressed, and go make some breakfast. you send her a quick message. a unsettling silence from her side.

-good morning babe. how'd you sleep ?xx

nothing, you start to worry, it's not like her to not respond. clearly somethings wrong. so you do some digging in socials and see that the shitheads from class posted something.

~we have a d*ke within the class, how long until everyone figures out who it is ;)~

'fuck' they really did that. not only is she not responding but now this... life really must hate you rn.
the rest of your day is spent worrying about tomorrow.


another sleepless night, another night of being alone in an empty, dead house. no parents, no friends and the one person you care about didnt even answer your text.  life's going to shit and there's nothing you can do about it.

all you can do is get ready for the day and expect the worst.


you get to school just in time for 1st period. as you walk through the halls, curious eyes follow you as you walk burning holes into your skull.

the day gettting worse every second.


2nd and 3rd period was alright nothing had happened yet but now your waking to 4th, you'll finally get to see her.

you walk through the door, this time not being greeted by a smile just a blank emotionless stare.

while sitting down you look at her, she looks tired and exhausted almost lifeless, like her energy's been drained, you wonder if she's been going through the same as you or worse, probably worse seeming as she could loose way more than you in this situation you've got both of yous into.


the lesson sucked, if you could even call it a lesson. as everyone filed out the room you stayed back. wanting to talk.
'we need to talk' she looks you dead in the eye with a emotion you can't comprehend.
'what's going on?' you ask desperately
'nothing, i'm completely fine and if you don't have anything to ask me about the lesson then leave, we have nothing more we need to discuss' her reply cold
'no we have things we need to discuss, you don't respond to my text, you've been acting cold to me and you look like you've not slept for 2 days so please... just talk to me'
'oh so you want me to talk do you?' she raises her voice and you shrink back in fear, this is definitely not what you were expecting to happen.

A.N*things are getting heated, next chapter could go two ways see ya there*

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