I went down the three steps onto the pathway and turned to look both ways. I didn't see him until I noticed a gate to my left that led to steps that went further down that gave off to what I guessed was the basement of the building. And there he was, leaning against the building's wall in a nook under the stairs. He was chewing on a toothpick and looked up from his phone to look at me.

I swung the gate open and rushed down the steps, storming up to him, seething. "What is your fucking problem?" I could feel the heat radiate off of me as my energy built up within me. This was a lot different from that accident with Tatiana though, it was whole different energy, it felt red with rage and hot as fire. I was just a couple of feet away from him, and while my instincts were telling me to run my stance didn't falter.

He looked up at me, his eyes hard. "Are you following me?" he sneered completely ignoring my question.

I was taken aback by his harsh tone but didn't move. "Yeah, I am following you. You got a problem with that?" I asked, pissed.

"Yeah, I do." He said, standing up from his leaning position. I had forgotten how much taller than me he actually was.

"What is your problem with me? What did I do to you? I thought we were good after what happened on Friday night, that we had moved past whatever your animosity was against me," I said.

He looked at me for a couple seconds, not understanding what I was talking about. The heat was rising in my chest like a brushfire, spreading through me rapidly. I took a calming breath as I stared at his every move, afraid both of him and myself. The last time I felt like this I had lost control and it didn't end well.

His eyes bore into me, it felt like he was searching my soul, I couldn't formulate a coherent thought and while the fire was still tearing through me it felt much more under control. He stepped closer, my anger steamed away and I stepped backward as a reflex. I couldn't look away from him but I couldn't let him near me.

"I don't have a problem with you," He said, still looking me in the eyes.

I gulped. "Then why are you being so mean to me? What happened on Friday-" I said.

"I don't know-" he said after a brief pause. Then he stepped forward again and I stepped back, the last bit of space between the wall and myself had been closed. I was trapped. I could either sprint up the stairs to my right or push him back, but he was broader, and I was afraid of this feeling that was burrowing itself deeper within me. He took a breath, "You irritate me but I can't stay away from you."


"I-you make me feel strange and that just makes me mad and annoyed that I can't control it." He said, taking the last step to close in the distance between ourselves. I did everything in my power not to touch him, pressing myself deeper against the wall hoping it would swallow me whole so it would spare me from hurting someone else.

I continued to maintain eye contact, I could feel his warm, minty breath brush against my face. "I am sorry that I'm causing this to you," I said more as a question than anything else. "But I cannot be made responsible for your reactions to my existence."

He continued to stare at me.

"So what the hell was what you did on Friday if I cause you so much psychological torture?" I finally asked.

He inhaled and exhaled sharply, "You were in trouble."

"Yes. I was." I said. Then inhaling slowly trying to control the fire.

"I felt like I could help."

"But then you cause me this?" I waved my hand in the air motioning to what had just happened in the cafeteria, "You need to find better coping mechanisms, mister."

"You don't understand." He said then, grabbing my hand from where it was still waving in the air and pushing it down towards my side.

I froze up at the feeling of his skin against mine. I could feel that he immediately tensed up too, his hand frozen around my wrist midway down. A cool feeling rushed through my arm and into the pit of my stomach where it nearly completely subsided the fire that had been burning since the incident.

"How did you- How did you do that?" he asked, surprised while I stared up at him in shock.

I couldn't fully process what was happening or what he meant by that, all I knew was that I had to get away from him. I didn't know what was going on anymore. The fire that had erupted within me felt like just a flame, flickering in the window of a lightless house. I needed to get away from him, from here, from everywhere.

The bell rang signaling the end of the lunch break, breaking the spell that had us stuck in a confused staring match. I pulled my hand away and felt the sting of the cut being exacerbated. Then I bolted up the stairs and away from him.

"What did you do to your hand?" was the last thing I heard come from him before the door shut behind me and I ran to the nurse's office.

You did, I thought sourly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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