"You are dead, my dear."

You whipped around to see a man calmly ambling your way, a cunning smile on his face. He wore monotonous colors as well, donning a trench coat and a floppy hat, along with steel-toed boots. The only thing that truly stood out were his glasses, which were round and tinted red, nearly glowing with the color, making it impossible to see his eyes. The man's hair was also odd- heavily curled and yet oily and slick but thick with inky blackness, and rested down the length of his back.

"Who are you?" Was your immediate question. With the tilt of his hat and the glint of his lenses, he announced himself. "I am the Conductor. I run this train station. And you..." He took a moment, looking you up and down, taking special note of the snake wrapped around your shoulders. "...Do not have a ticket." His grin remained, although the case seemed grim. "But that can be fixed." He came closer then, delicately leading you with a hand pressed to your back, careful of the snake. "I'll make you a deal. Your familiar- the snake- for a ticket." To your surprise, Bane said nothing, but nonetheless you flinched away, shaking off his hand with a frown. "No! I'm not giving up Bane."He shrugged. "Your loss. It's either that or your soul." He said it as though it were nothing- as though the dealing of souls was something he did often.

When you made no moves and kept your expression hard with declination, he shifted, his smile appearing more forced. "Er- do you even know what going down that train line implies?" Slowly, you shook your head, bringing the man to let out an awkward laugh. "I... I mean- you've made it this far. I felt like you'd know. You gotta." You tilted your head, confused. "What do you mean "this far"?" His mouth opened with shock, eyes likely wide behind the red of his glasses. "You-" He stuttered. "You woke up here?" You nodded your head, blind to the implications you had pressed upon the man by affirming his suspicion. His expression morphed into shock and horror, but then he squinted, confused as he shook his head. "No, that doesn't seem right..." He looked you up and down, inspecting you closely with a hand on his chin. Standing back, hand still holding his chin, he quirked a brow. "Are you a mass murderer? Or a tyrant?"

Shocked, you blinked, taking a moment to process his words before you started to shake your head rapidly. "No! No- oh my god, no. Why- why would you think that?" Humming, he crossed his arms, looking even more confused. "Only mass murderers or people important to the King end up here. Sometimes people do stop here by accident, though." You tilted your head. ""The King?" Who's the King?" His smile finally returned as he clapped his hands together. "The King is the King of the Dead. The Dead King. The Underworld's child, technically." You frowned. "The Dead King is the child of the Underworld? Like, the place?" He nodded. "Yep. It's confusing, I know, but that's just what the story is. Confusing as fuck." His grin became more sinister then. "But... if you're here and you're not a mass murderer, chances are, the King's gonna wanna see you." He wrapped an arm around your shoulders holding you close and tightly. His glasses glinted with sinister intentions. "So he'd have to give me something really good to get you from me."

As he tried to move you somewhere, you panicked somewhat. "Bane?! A little help?" The man laughed. "Is that your familiar? You're really asking for help from that thing?" He kept laughing, almost madly. "You don't need me for this. Just wait a moment." More panic coursed through you as you squirmed, leaving the Conductor to let out an annoyed grumble. "Stop moving, would you?!" As his gloved hand touched your flesh, something sparked. You stared at it with morbid curiosity, the man taking a moment to notice it. He squealed, reeling back and holding his arm as it crumbled away in chunks of sparkling black dust. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He glanced between you and his arm, his expression contorting into vengeful terror. "You... You're his kin?! YOU?!" He looked back at his arm, shaking it wildly as it turned to nothing but rotten bone. He huffed and puffed, the inky black no longer spreading up his arm. He let out a breath, grinning uneasily as his eyes darted between you, his arm, and Bane. "Ah." He let out, collapsing to his knees, sweating heavily.

The Unkillable: Death Sworn [INVINCIBLEXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now