Chapter- 40 awake

Start from the beginning

"Hardly," I admitted. He ran a stressful hand through his locks because he knew no matter how much he'd force me to sleep I wouldn't. I wasn't ready to leave Adam's side. "I get it," Damien said his lips forming in a thin grim line.

The clock struck one, it was past midnight. The power swirling in the air grew. I winced with fear as a loud thunderstorm sounded through the eerie room through the dingy night. Numerous thoughts crossed my mind of when I'd always run to Adam whenever a thunderstorm would scare me off. "I know that you're probably tired of me rambling to you again and again but I'm scared of the thunderstorm-" I squealed when the lightning struck again but this time louder and stronger.

"I really need you to protect me again. Hold me in your arms. Hug away the distress- please just love me again." I captured his cold calloused hands into mine holding on to it for dear life. "I need you like I never once did before," I whispered light-headed burying my face into his arms seeking his warmth my heart swirling with an empty feeling inside my chest.

Something was indeed missing and that something was him.

"I'm sorry, I really am. You were only trying to make things better for us, you thought of me, you thought of us. I get it now. You've proved your point, you said you'd take a bullet for me just to get me to trust you again, I'm never leaving your side I promise even if you want me to I won't. I'm ready to give us a second chance to leave everything behind but only if you come back to me. My heart was only yours to began with- to destroy with. Being away from you only made me crave you even more. It should've been me in your place. Running away is easy but was leaving you scarred me to the point where I absolutely lost myself but what I didn't realize was that I left a part of me with you." My voice cracked in between.

"Lily?" That deep familiar throaty voice has me completely frozen in my place. My breath got hitched in my throat as if someone had knocked out the air between my air pipes. That voice, that damn voice.

Was I hallucinating?

Tears brimmed the corner of my eyes and it didn't take seconds before they trailed down my cheeks like raindrops before I could even get ahold of them. "Lily," Adam repeated gently his voice only very slightly hoarse but saying it with such tenderness that made my heart swell inside my chest. He was awake, looking up slowly my eyes connected with those deep blue irises so many emotions circulating inside them that I could barely keep up. Confusion, adoration, but most of all love?

"Adamos." I sucked in a breath when he hesitantly opened up his arms, his eyes pleading me what his mouth couldn't. He wanted my touch. Skin to skin, and I didn't waste a second before lunging into his arms. A sob seeping through me as I did. "You're okay, you didn't leave me."

"I am okay," he repeated back while I tightly wrapped my arms around him not wanting to let go. "Don't you ever do that to me again." I pulled away slightly only to glance into his eyes before offering him a fresh glass of water. He gladly accepted it, swallowing it in a gulp before pulling me back into his muscular chest. "Are you really here?" he wasn't only questioning me but himself.

I didn't reply, biting my lip in response I slowly planted a soft kiss at the corner of his lips my heart thundering inside my chest.



He looked taken aback but covered it of by plastering a smirk upon his mouth. "Do you believe it now daddy?" I teased smiling ear to an ear, his slenderly finger shoot up towards my face tucking a small strand of hair behind my ear his eyes darkening the darkest shade of blue I've ever seen. "God, I've missed you, baby girl." Adam gave out a husky groan while saying so.

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