Chapter nineteen

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In the sacred space Aria had called Fubuki, Carla, Shion and Shuna were she sat in front of them.

"Everyone, there's something I need to tell you." She said.


It's been a few weeks since then and Aria as you can imagine is.


Puking her guts out. It's been happening for the past two weeks and Aria doesn't know why. She's also noticed that she eats alot...well more than usual.

Maybe I should ask Holy Warrior, it has been while since we last spoke since my near death. She thought.

Holy warrior?

So now you would like to speak to me, it seems that during your time you've forgotten about me.

Don't be like that,but I do owe you a debt of gratitude for helping save me. Forgive me?

...very well.

By the way is ther something wrong with me, I haven't been feeling like myself these days.

Would you like me to scan your health?

Yes please.

Wait one moment.

As Holy Warrior is scanning her, she's a little terrified, she doesn't know if this is just another case of I'm going to die again.

Scan complete. The good news is that your health is good and your ailments are nothing to worry about.

And the bad news?

It is not bad news. However you are in need of congratulations.


You are pregnant.

................. I'm sorry? Could you say that again.

You are pregnant or your are with child or there's life growing in you or--

I know what being pregnant means! I mean thank you for your help.

Here are the following symptoms you will experience.

Tender, swollen breasts. 

Nausea with or without vomiting. 

Increased urination. 






Food aversions. 

Thank you Holy warrior, I get it. Oh god what am i going to tell Rimuru.

*Flashback end*

"What is it Lady Aria, you know you can tell us anything." Carla said.

"I know, it's just I--- I'm um." She stopped and took a deep breath and looked at all of them. "I, am pregnant." She said. After she said that, there was silence, Aria hesitantly looked up when.

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