Rose was too smart for that.

"Why?" Rose asked, ignoring everyone else in the room. "Why have you been in my life? You have given me birthday presents, you have spent time with me and family. Why?"

Abraxas didn't give her an answer.

Odette cleared her throat, gaining her husband's attention as he turned to look at her. Odette Malfoy smiled stiffly and glanced at Rose, clearly sending her husband a signal of something. 

"Yes well, I think it's time for our guests to leave. This is a family matter," Abraxas said suddenly.

Rose scoffed but she didn't argue ― she had no desire to stay and spend any more time with any of the Malfoys. She didn't say anything to anyone but left the room, promising herself never to return.

Theo however didn't feel like leaving, he wanted to know what was going on. He wanted to know why Abraxas has pretended to be Mr Kane and has been part of Rose's life. He knew Rose's mothers, he was friends with them. There was something very fishy about the situation but regardless of his own feelings, Theo left with Rose.

He didn't say a word either.

Once Theo and Rose were gone, silence took over the room again. 

Lucius Malfoy has never been a man who shows his emotions ― just to his wife and son ― but after the war, he had nearly shut himself off completely. It had taken months for Narcissa to awoke any emotions in her husband.

So when the almighty Lucius Malfoy was nearly shaking with anger, fury and confusion ― Abraxas feared his son just a little. 

"Why have you visited her on her birthdays and given her gifts?" Asked Lucius, his fists clenching while speaking. "Why has this stranger been part of your life?"

Odette stood behind her husband, trying to put two together and a thought appeared to her. She crossed her hands over her chest and marched to stand in front of her husband. Her lips were pressed into a very thin line, nearly showing any lip. She stared at him with such intensity that might break a normal person into million pieces but Abraxas Malfoy wasn't just anyone.

"Do not tell me that you knocked someone up and that girl is a production of that," she expressed her thoughts out loud, her voice haunting and vengeful. 

"For the love of Salazar, no! I did not father the girl!" Exclaimed Abraxas, nearly horrified that his wife would accuse him of such. 

Their marriage might not be the most love-filled one but he wouldn't be such a fool and betray his wife.

There was a sign of relief washing through Odette's face and her stern posture relaxed. 

"Good," she said.

"But then who is she? How do you know her?" Asked Cygnus, curiosity and somewhat worry taking over him. 

Abraxas turned to look at Draco.

"Would you mind giving us a minute?" He asked his grandson.

Draco frowned. "Why?"

"Because I asked you to. Just go," said Abraxas.

"But I want to... no I need to know what is going on. It isn't fair that I would have...." Draco argued but a hand was rested on his shoulder and he turned to look at his father.

"Please, go. We will tell you," Lucius promised.

Draco didn't want to leave but it was clear that Abraxas wasn't going to say a word if he was in the room ― Draco didn't know why. So he admitted his defeat and left the room in the hopes that Rose and Theo might still be in the Manor.

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