
120 6 17

september 21, 2006

to be honest with you, renjun was not having a good morning. he had woken up to two separate fights happening somehow right outside his bedroom. (even though they have a three story mansion, but whatever.) apparently minghao was pissed because their dad always favorited zitao, and zitao was mad because their mom always favorited minghao. his mom was mad because his dad came home drunk last night, and his dad was mad that she was mad at him. 

and with all of that chaos, no one had really seen renjun leave for school that thursday morning. 

it was the first time he had walked to school since she died. 

' "come on, jun! we always ride in the fancy ass car, let's walk to school today!" xinyuan whined, yanking at her brothers sleeve. "just for today! you'll love it, i promise." 

renjun sighed, looking at the smile that had become attatched to his sisters face. he could never say no to her when she looked that happy. "fine. just for today, and if zitao-ge and minghao give us shit for it, it's your fault." he teased, laughing as his sister pulled him down the stairs. 

"slow down, yuan. you both need to eat." their mother called, a soft smile on her face. 

xinyuan groaned, sitting at the table and immediately starting to shove her face with food. sometimes it amazed renjun how much she liked american food considering how badly she trashed it when they first moved here. 

"renjun. you too, come on sit down my boy." his father said as he walked by, tying his tie and throwing on his suit jacket. 

"will you eat breakfast with us today, dad?" minghao-or justin as he prefered to be called- said, eyes begging. 

"no can do buddy. i have a buisness meeting to get too." their dad spoke, planting a kiss on their moms cheek and walking out the door.

before anyone could say anything, xinyuan slammed down her fork on the table, grabbed renjun's hand and pulled them to the door. "quickly, quickly!" she said in mandarin, startling renjun, they rarely spoke mandarin now that they moved. 

"come on dorkface! you're taking forever!" she complained, pulling the male out the door with only one and a half of his shoes on. 

halfway through their walk,xinyuan finally spoke again, giggling as she did, "see i knew you'd love i-' 

"on your right!" a voice shouted from behind and renjun heard some sort of tire rolling down the sidewalk. still in a daze, rather than moving to the oppisite direction, he came to a stand still. 


as donghyuck woke up that morning to the charming noise of the triplets (yeji, mijoo, and jooheon) fighting over yogurt. he rolled on to floor as he quickly changed into some clothes he found strewn about the bedroom that all 6 brothers shared. 

"hey, maknae-ah, you look like shit." jihoon joked, ruffling donghyuck's hair, causing the youngest sibling to groan. 

"shut the fuck up, hyung." donghyuck grumbled, grabbing a pudding cub out of the fridge and sitting down at the table, he wasn't in much of a hurry today, it was stupid 'school pride' week, right before their schedule change, and honestly. he couldn't care less. 

unlike renjun's family, the lee's still often spoke what taeyongs rapper friend mark had coined as "konglish", they didn't have enough money to afford speech therapy and most of them still had thick accents. 

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