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it was quiet as he walked the roof. eyes sharp, looking for anything or anybody, out of the ordinary. it was a difficult thing, trying to find something wrong in this place. like trying to pick a needle out of a haystack. 

"this place", was the mansion that his father owned. he had already scanned the inside of the house thrice, and hadn't found anything that was there without a reason. he had taken it upon himself to scan the mansion every night, after what had happened to his sister. 

he sat on the roof, looking down to the driveway below. sometimes he wondered what his sister felt when she fell from the roof, he wondered if the concrete felt like agony that slowly drained the life out of her, or if it had just felt like she was falling, and then nothing but darkness.

and, for some odd reason that he couldn't quite put his finger on, he hoped that her death had been agonizing. he hoped that she felt every single crack to her bones, every rip to her skin, and every tear of her muscles. 

he thought maybe he wished she felt that because it's what he saw. he saw as her bones cracked against the sidewalk, he saw the cement tear into her skin as if it had hated her for a long time, he saw as her muscles drew cold and limp. 

he hoped she had felt it, because otherwise, he had been doing this all for nothing. 

he would be up on the roof at 12:06 a.m. at the very beginning of a wednesday morning, looking for, hoping there were no intruders. he would have his hair a mess, and eyes half closed, stumbling across the roof, for nothing but his own sake. 

after he had thoroughly decided that no one was up on the roof but him, he quickly retreated back into his bedroom window. closing it behind him once he had got inside and drawing the dark blue shades to protect him from the slowly uprising sun. 

he slid his slippers off, crawling into bed, pulling the large comforter up to his chest, and staring up at the ceiling. his toes curled against the rough comforter as he closed his eyes, his mind immediatley filling his vision with the ambulance lights. 

he panted, quickly opening his eyes, unsure how he would ever be able to sleep, when all he could see was the memories of that night aproximately a month ago. he fumbled around his desk, grabbing his phone, hoping to distract himself. 

he quickly noticed he had gotten a text from his friend that they were going to have a big test that day. he popped out of bed, messily putting his glasses on and slamming himself into his desk chair. 

he quickly opened his laptop and the textbook for the class. maybe if he studied, he would fall asleep of boredom and not think of his sister. 




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