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Chapter Thirty Two - Harry's POV


I promised I wouldn't take as long, didn't I? Love you!

T/W: Mention of Suicide.

She knew.

I'm not sure how much, or how...but, she knew something.

I should've known from the moment I called my father, and stormed out of her office due to her abhorrent claim about modifying the school rules.

The school rules that had been in place for well over one-hundred years.

I had walked out of that room at the speed of lightning when I first comprehended that claim.

It didn't make sense, and looking back at it now, it was surely put in place because of what she knew...whatever that may be.

Through it all, there is one fact that is crystal clear... She knew something.

Though, in that moment, I didn't think like that at all; I was simply filled with outrage.

And I was angry.

I was filled with reluctance in response to the Dean's insinuation about how the rules of this school were changing, especially if it meant that the way I relaxed after a long week of school was apt to be abruptly messed with.

I'd never been one to handle new directions well.

When I finally got through to my father, he told me he would call her, but he reiterated that I needed to lay low while this entire situation was unfolding.

I figured he was talking about dealing...I didn't realize that meant engaging in extracurriculars, too.

I thought it was hypocritical when I heard the claim, and if I wasn't so indebted to him as of late, as well as the fact that he will now be breathing down my back due to his sudden interest in Catherine, I would've told him that.

When I heard him use that as an excuse, I had to bite my tongue, but I couldn't help the outrage that flooded my mind when he spoke those words.

He'd never laid too low after he committed a crime. In fact, he relished it.

Sure, he wouldn't go out and commit another one right away, but I never saw him stay in for months after he engaged in illegal activity.

He would've never left the house if he followed that logic.

So how is this any different?

I finally completed an action--- one in which he's been essentially molding me to complete for years. One that's absolutely essential for my future occupation...

But, because I did it, without his permission, I'm now the one to get reprimanded?

It's completely illogical.

How am I going to learn to be a leader of a multibillion dollar business that deals with some of the most ruthless people in the world, if he can't even trust me to still maintain my social status around here?

It just isn't fair--or smart.

If I don't present my usual persona, the one who is both a smart boy and a party boy... someone will catch on to the sudden shift. And, it will look suspicious.

I swiftly hypothesize on how to avoid this...

I'm sure there were ways I could get around this...Having small parties in my room after the room checks, or by attempting to get approval to sign out of campus on the weekends.

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