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Chapter Twenty Four - Catherine's POV

T/W: Recreational Drug Usage

I felt extremely satisfied while putting back on my clothes and walking back out of the dark room I had resided in for the past half hour. My confidence exuded through my entity, as I ventured back out to the booming music filtering through the castle.

Hooking up with that blonde was exactly what I needed tonight.

I'd been so sexually frustrated—it was putting me in a debilitating gaze, which was extremely distracting, especially when I needed to be focused on larger issues, such as the stalker and the letters I'd been receiving.

Lately, my frustrations had gotten so bad, that I was taking it out on Harry.

Whether it was simply touching myself to the thought of him, or even letting him do dirty things with me in the library, it had gotten out of control. I was even going as far as teasing him, despite the clear fact that I hated his guts.

The worst part was, I didn't regret any of it, and before tonight, I probably would've done it again.

Hell, I almost did an hour ago.

It was a blessing in disguise that he walked away from the blonde and I earlier. I was putting on too much of a show, and who knows what would've happened if he had stayed and watched.

Thankfully, though, we will never know.

I huff at myself, ridding my negative thoughts which consume my mind, and try to reminisce on the amazing night I've already had.

You know how it feels after you've been freshly fucked? Brought to a mind-blowing orgasm, where your toes curl so much it almost pains you? Where your moans simply can't reiterate just how amazing you feel? And, when you're finally brought to your orgasm, and when it's over, you feel like you're on cloud nine?

That's me, right now.

I couldn't have asked for a better hook up. She knew everything that I needed in order to have a mind-blowing orgasm, and I made sure to get her off too, twice.

She really appreciated that.

Leaving the room we snuck off into, I'm feeling completely and utterly satisfied. And, I commend myself, because I didn't even have to think of Harry to do it, either.

Thank God.

Truly, women are always better to hook up with anyways, especially when there are no strings attached.

At first, it started with just kissing the blonde. She came up to me at the party when Harry left to use my phone, gave me a few tequila shots, and complimented me on my outfit—the girl had major game.

Then, we got to talking about why we were at Dunnet. She said something about how her parents sent her here to look after her brother, but after he graduated, she loved it here so much she stayed.

I listened to her story, but every time she talked, I couldn't help but focus on the way her lips moved. She caught on swiftly, and bravely asked me if I wanted to kiss her, to which I did, and well...then we went upstairs.

It was my first time hooking up in a castle, and it was a pretty great experience, too.

I was a little upset, though, when Harry noticed us hooking up and didn't stay around to watch. It wasn't like I was trying to have a threesome, or anything, but teasing him has been my favorite thing to do lately.

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