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Chapter Four - Harry's POV

I turn on the shower and step inside the steam filled utopia. The warmth encases me, and I finally begin to relax.

I always liked the second floor showers. The third floor one's were simply too cold. And, washing off my sins from the night before seems like a good way to start my morning.

A cleanse — Just what I need.

Thinking back to my decisions last night, some were questionable to say the least.

I probably shouldn't have done four lines of coke and jumped off the cliffs in the middle of the night to go swimming.

And I probably shouldn't have smoked a joint right after, either.

I also probably shouldn't have fucked Bre on the beach last night.

But I was horny and high, and she was there.

And she has a great ass.

Still—not the smartest decision on my part.

I don't even wince at the scratches she left down my back as the warm water cascades over my body.

I like the pain, a lot.  Probably a little too much.

It was good sex, it always is with her. But, things are just too complicated.

She's my ex for a reason.

The main one being I am not the relationship kind of guy. I'm not saying it to sound condescending or cocky, but I have a wandering eye, and she has a clingy personality.

We don't match well.

I tried to date her. Kind of. Well, dating in my book is different than most other people's.

I was certainly not monogamous with her, and not only that, I was not interested in going on outings as a couple either.

So maybe we weren't really considered to be "dating" by society's standards. But, in my book, she was someone who I had sex with more than once and someone that I knew on a personal level, so it's a lot stronger of a relationship than I've ever had with anyone else.

But then she just got too clingy.

She was always asking to hang out with me and when I wouldn't text her back, she'd actually show up to my room and throw a fit. It was really annoying. Sometimes, I was alone and just didn't want to talk. Sometimes, I was with another girl or guy trying to engage in a simple hook up and though I was enjoying myself, she was pissed.

That didn't go over too well with her, at all.

She just couldn't get it through her head that I wasn't interested in something serious. When she was fucking me she wanted to be the only one, and I wasn't into that. It didn't matter how good the sex was with her was, I don't like to be limited to a certain person and I certainly don't like being told what to do. I'll just do the opposite.

Because of all of that, I consider her to be clingy, and I don't like it.

Clinginess simply turns me off and she was and still is the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of clingy.

Almost like a sloth to a tree, it's just too much. Plus, she's kind of a bitch sometimes.

Nonetheless, though, I got laid. So, it's better than nothing.

But, as I continue to delve into my thoughts, I suddenly stop myself. Because, what the fuck am I even doing? And, why am I still even wasting my energy thinking about her?

VIRULENCE | H.S |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang