~ 6 • C ~

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Chapter Six - Catherine's POV

"So, what do people usually wear to these types of parties? I mean, what even are the ledges anyways?" I ask Evelynn as I reapply my makeup.

I'm really excited for tonight. Now that I know there's ecstasy that I can take, I'm one step closer to finding a dealer, and I may even be able to find someone to hook up with tonight with.

Truly, this night is looking sweeter by the minute.

It's been way too long since I had sex.

The last person I slept with was fucking Arthur.

Yeah, I know. I hate him and I regret it, every single second of the day.

Like I said, it was a long summer, and I was really horny.

I'd give anything to have a decent fuck, and I'm making it my goal to get to know some people tonight and explore my options.

Evelynn begins to speak. "The ledges are about a mile from the school. We walk under the tunnels to get there because otherwise, we'd have to walk through the woods and the wetlands, and it's really disgusting. Basically, it's this old abandoned castle that we all party at. Ever since the school was started like a hundred years ago, people would go to the ledges and hang out there just to get away from the school, it's kind of a traditional thing." She states.

"And, in regards to what you should wear, you can literally wear anything or nothing at all. Sometimes people go all out like we're going to a club, and others it's jeans and a flannel. But, since it's autumn, it gets pretty cold at night here. I'm going to wear just a pair of jeans, boots, and a sweater. There's going to be a fire since it's at the ledges, but there's an inside area there, too, so if we get cold we can just go inside and hang out in there. I know it sounds creepy, being an abandoned castle and everything, but the boys have really revamped it, and it's so fun, especially for parties. Since it's a Monday though, this is probably going to be a pretty casual type of party. But, we'll be shitfaced drunk so it will be awesome." Evelynn says eagerly running over to give me a hug.

Should I ask her about the pills? This is my chance to see how she reacts to recreational drugs.

Fuck it, I'm going to.

"Um..." I begin to ask, pulling back from her embrace as she walks back over to her side of the room.

"James said there might even be something like ecstasy or something in Economics this morning. He said Chandler was going to get him some for us?" I say shyfully.

She turns around from her closet and gives me her full attention.

"What, really?! Oh my god, he said he got ecstasy?!" Evelynn screams.

"Sh! That's what he was saying! But don't we have to be quiet about this?" I laugh.

"You're right. You're absolutely right." She responds, shaking her head with eager excitement.

I look back at her to shoot her a quick smile, and in return, she then throws me a sinful grin.

"Never mind. Screw everything I just told you. I don't care if I freeze my ass off, I'm wearing something hot and slutty tonight if I'm doing ecstasy." She chuckles.

I smile at her, "Alright, I'm probably going to wear this." I speak confidently, grabbing a set of clothes off of the hanger in my closest and swiftly holding it up to show her the outfit choice.

I hold up a pair of light-washed mom jeans, a deep red lace bodysuit and a satin button up oversized shirt. I match it with a pair of black boots.

As I display the outfit for Evelynn to see, a wave of confidence fills me. This outfit is really killer for putting it together in a mere minutes notice. It's simple but sexy, and I think it's really cute.

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