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Sunlight sneakily entered the couple's room which was currently nothing but a mess. The happening was intense. 

First to rise was Anika. She felt contented as she watched the person's sleeping face. 

"You are my moon in the dead dark sky

You are my hope in the endless despair;  

Now you have become something more than the mere words could convey"

He was more closer to her now that they shared an intimate connection. 

An euphoric smile adorned Anika's face as she registered the truth. Now there was no turning back. She had already taken the gamble.

Shivaay stirred in his sleep on feeling the lack of her touch.  He moved his hands all over the bed  in search of his Rose's hand. Anika was tickled by his gesture. She picked up a bear next to her and gave out it's fluffy hand to the sleeping figure. She watched as he held it briefly for few seconds before frowning and pushing it away in his sleepy state. 

The lady next to him laughed at his antics and held his hand in the fear of waking him up. She advanced closer and kissed his forehead

"I will protect you from anything and everything including my own self and if I ever fail in doing so please protect yourself otherwise..."

Shivaay smiled feeling the warmth spreading in his body and mumbled some incoherent words before diving in his fantasy.

Anika's smile faded away as she added the next words to her brain 

"I will cease to exist"

After warning herself she greedily burrowed her body in the CEO's arms.

She wanted this present to last long because she never trusted her ambiguous future. She had always paid hefty price after obtaining something good. This was also the prime reason why she kept rejecting Shivaay. She was scared of seeing a good future.

Unaware of all the dilemma of the woman Shivaay slept blissfully. He didn't know that this bliss that he procured at the cost of leaking his personal affairs would result in fatality.

Contrary to this peaceful atmosphere a storm was brewing in other Country and it owed to evade the existing serenity.

"Lock the target! We found the co-ordinates.Currently residing in Torronto, Canada 

Name: Shivaay Singh Oberoi"


Texas, United States

"Did they detect any unusual activities?" 

"No General, All clear! In less than a week the organization will be wiped out without any evidence of it's existence. The team led by Major Rudra Oberoi and assisted by the Intelligence Chief Omkara has obliterated all their crucial wings"

General Veer Srivastav still looked uneasy. The threat from these type of illegal organisations always persisted until they are completely eliminated

"Increase the security of the team that participated in this operation and also keep tabs on their family's safety. Call back Gauri and Bhavya and inform all my grandsons to stay alert specially Shivaay. I don't want him to became a bait of personal vendetta for the second time"

"Roger that"

After giving out the commands, Veer sighed. He didn't expect that his grandson would do such a stupidity. 

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