Chapter 23

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I barged through the door, adrenaline pumping through my veins, and stared down at the group of men sitting around the huge rectangular table, all dressed in expenses designer suits. I grinned at the flash of surprise and fear that the appeared on each of their faces. 

Silence washed over the room as the group of men stared at me in disbelief, my eyes travel across the room, making eye contact with each man in the process, before stopping at my padres face.

His face was contorted with a mixture of surprise, anger and a slight hint of fear that made my deadly smile grow wider. No one moved a muscle as I watch papas face get redder as the seconds ticked by, clenching his fists and gritting his teach so hard I was surprised they hadn't cracked yet.  

"what the cazzo are you doing here?" my padre hissed, the vein in his forehead looking as if it was half a second away from bursting "I think you know exactly why I'm here, papa" I spat, making sure he kew I resented him just as much as he resents me. "don't you dare call me that, you are no longer my daughter!" he growled, rising from his seat and pointing his fat finger at me "you took the words right out of my mouth" I growled back.

From the corner of my eye I see one of the men "subtly" reach for his gun that's hidden in his suit jacket, before his stubby fingers could wrap around the the gun one of my knives had sunk deep into chest and his once white shirt was stained with a gradually growing puddle of red. My eyes never left my padres and I watched them grow wide with surprise and fear.

didn't see that coming did you, old man?

"w-what? y-y-you?" my so called "padre" stuttered in utter disbelief "cats got you tongue?" I mocked, taking far too much joy in seeing his anger slowly turn into fear and although he tried to hide it, I could tell he was scared of me and I could practically see his gears turning in his tiny brain as he tried to find a way out of here.

"remind me, what's that rule about the leader of the mafia? oh yeah, the ruler of the mafia is passed down to the eldest son of the family after the current leader steps down or passes away, unless said leader is murdered in that case the murderer of the leader gets the tittle. huh, sounds tempting" I said, innocently fiddling with a knife as I looked at his stunned face. 

"like you could kill me" he was finally able to spit out after a long few seconds of trying to figure out why I wasn't cowering in fear "the same way I killed your friend over there" I taunted, pointing at the man with my knife. He was slumped in his chair, his eyes were still open but glazed over, and his shirt was dripping with blood while his body was lacking any. 

All emotion drained from his face as he smirked at me "you really think I don't have more back up? I am the king of the mafia. Hundreds of highly trained killers bow down to me, would kill or be killed for me and you really think that they couldn't get rid of a little, love sick girl?" he laughed, picking up his phone and pressing the screen a few times before looking back at me "you've got about five seconds to apologise, leave this office and go get me a glass of whiskey before dozens off my men burst through the front door to kill you"  

"how flattering of you to call back up, all this time I though I was just a useless girl but apparently it takes dozens of trained killers to kill me" I put a hand to my chest, faking flattery which just seemed to make him angrier. Good.

His threat hadn't fazed me, it just spired me on and made my thirst for blood even stronger. I was going to destroy his little army then cut his throat and watch him bleed out before taking my rightful place as mafia Queen, and making Mia my queen to sit along side me. 

Screw king and Queen, I think Queen and Queen has a much better ring to it.


Thank you so much for reading, if you have any feedback pls comment. Hope you enjoyed!!! I'm going camping for three nights on Tuesday but I promise I will try to update before then.

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