Chapter 5

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I just stood there in complete and utter shock "hey, I remember you, you're the girl that saved Mia last week" Raf said, smiling. Mia. That's her name, it suits her, I thought, still staring deeply into Mia's eyes, she looked as shocked and overjoyed as I was to see her and it made me even happier, if that was possible. I ripped my gaze away from Mia and saw Raf and the twins smirking, though I didn't know why "how about you introduce us to the saviour you haven't stopped taking about" Twin on the right said, still smirking. "Oh right, yeah umm, wait I still don't know your name" she said, blushing ever so slightly "well my names Gabriella, but call me Gabby" I said, walking over to them, Mia's eyes followed me as I walked "nice to meet you Gabby, I'm Daniel but everyone calls me Danny-" said twin on the left "and I'm his brother Johnathan but everyone calls me Johnny" twin on the right cuts in, as I came closer I saw that Danny had a scar on his upper lip, I found the way to tell them apart, I thought to myself proudly "and you already know me from the party, I have a feeling we're gonna be seeing a lot of you" Raf said, smirking, why do they keep smirking? "So, what are you doing here at half past midnight on Saturday?" Asks Mia "well I could ask you guys the same thing" I replied
"I work here and these guys keep me company cuz, well is half past midnight and no ones really stopping off at coffee shops" Mia says, I was hoping for a much longer explanation so I had time to figure out a believable lie "well...I'm here cuz...I've been really stressed out lately and just need a walk and when's a better time to be left alone than midnight" I said, it was part of the truth. They just accepted it and didn't pry, which I was relieved about.

I spent the rest of the night just talking and laughing with Mia and her friends, I had never been so happy and for the first time I actually felt I belonged, like I was wanted. It was amazing. I found out that the twins came from Britain and were obviously the jokesters of the group, Raf was one of those "nothing bothers me" kinda guys, but is super protective over the people he loves, and Mia, well Mia was just...amazing. From the way her eyes light up when she talks about something she's passionate about to way she somehow looks amazing in a brown apron. The whole time we kept glancing at each other, often making eye contact and holding it until one of the guys says something and we pretend like we were listening.

At around 3:30am the Raf checked his watch "well, I better head head home, see you tomorrow Mia and I hope to see you again too" he said pointing at me before strolling out the door, a few seconds later the twins got a text and decided they need to leave too "we need to head home too, see you 'round" they both said at the same time, they had done that quite a few times and it kinda creeped me out. "Well, my shift finishes in half an hour and I should probably clean up" Mia said, grabbing a cloth before wiping down the counter, I didn't want to leave, so I picked up a spare cloth "what are you doing?" She asked, confused "helping you, obviously" I replied, shrugging my shoulders. We just cleaned and talked about random things, for some reason I really loved it.

"Well, it's four o'clock, my shift is officially over" Mia said, looking a little disappointed. She took her apron off and hung it up behind the counter, as she walked past me towards the door she tripped and I caught her waist before she hit the floor I pulled her up so she standing but couldn't bring myself to let go, we were only inches apart and we still weren't close enough. We just stood there, staring deeply into each other's eyes, ever so slowly we started moving our faces towards each other, she was on her tiptoes and I was bending down, our lips brushed and sparks flew. Then her phone rang, jerking us away from each other. "It's my mum, I should take this, she worries" she says, answering the call, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, all I could think about was what almost happened, and how badly I wanted it, how badly I still wanted it. I was confused and scared of my feelings towards her, so I did the only I could think of. I ran. I ran out of the coffee shop and back home, not stopping and not looking back.

Sorry it's so short, but hope you liked it

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