"Here we go again. Bianca I am working, what can I do about that?" she said, her voice containing a certain fire which I knew all too well.

"Honestly, do not tell me that you are working twenty-four hours, seven days a week. There would be at least five minutes either in the morning while you are getting dressed or while you are lying in bed." I yelled in frustration.

"There are people here who need me" she sighed angrily.

"We need you! Your son and your daughter! I am not angry that you are over there helping people, I am angry that you never call".

"Your brother keeps you updated, does he not?" she asked.

"Yes, he does, but it would have been nice hearing it all from you" I yelled in frustration. "And that is exactly my point! You clearly had enough time to call Mike and I know you keep up to date with Julie so why could you not you call me".

"Do not yell at me! I may not be there right now, but I am still your mother" she raised her voice.

A tear fell down my cheek. I felt completely unheard. She does not understand what I am saying at all. Wiping away the tear, I let out a sigh as my head fell into my hands. "Listen, I miss you and I understand that you are helping people. I could not be prouder of you for that, but it hurts knowing that you call everyone else except for me."

"I understand that and I am sorry for making you feel that way. I did not see the problem when I called them. I love you and I will be home soon but for now I have to go"

"I love you too mum" I sighed, hanging up the call.

Laying on my bed, I brought my hands up to cover my face as I chocked back a sob. I hated fighting with my mum. We are complete opposites. Whilst I would rather communicate our problems, mum would prefer to sweep them under the rug. We are so different in every part of our lives including our music tastes, our style, and our sense of humour. My dad and I, however, were almost to alike. The key word is 'almost'. I think that if we had been any more similar, then we would have butt heads. Instead, we were perfectly in sync.

Letting a few more sobs wrack my body, I decided to try and call Will to talk about what happened on our anniversary but instead that just made me more upset. Last night, I was tempted to break up with Will. Will had never made me so upset before. At the same time, I love him with all my heart and I wanted to make this work.

As soon as he answered, I could not stop hearing someone giggling in the background and when I asked him who was there, he told me that it was just his friend from school.

After hanging up, I could not stop thinking that he might be cheating on me. Browsing through Netflix, I decided to put on Jumanji. I knew instantly that this movie would make me laugh and hopefully uplift my spirits a little. But then again, so did the thoughts of Julie's generosity and the memory of Caleb and Tori tickling me and spinning Tori around.

Just as the credits started rolling, there was a knock at my door. Jumping off the bed, I turned the handle and flung the door open.

Tori stood standing there, looking freshy showered and dressed, "we are going to go to the food markets if you would like to come."

"I would love too, let me grab my purse."

The markets were beautiful. They were located right near the beach. The stalls were all lined up with bright fruits and vegetables standing out amongst the wooden timber shops and gazebos.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in through my noise as I focused on the mixture of salt and fruity smells wafting through the air and the sound of the waves crashing against the sand.

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