19. just me, him, and the moon

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( 20 december, 8:00 p.m.)

they were cuddled under the sheets, watching the stars. harry had rented out a convertible truck for louis's birthday. he decided to surprise him early since they would not be alone on louis's birthday because his family was visiting him two days later.

the rear was decorated in soft sheets and puffy comforters. sea of cushiony pillows, among rich wine and expensive food. a small radio player sat there too, it's use unknown.

the view infront was one of delight as well, vast land of flowers and greenery, high on the hills. the sky full of stars, tinting from orangish pink to deep blues as the aftereffect of the sunset falls in place.

under the dim light sky cuddled the young couple. harry was holding louis's waist as he shifted in his hold. louis was laying back on harry, his knees up and on the sides of harry's splayed limbs underneath.

harry's hot breath tickled louis from behind as he sighed in content.

"you are really a sap aren't you." louis sighs while rubbing harry hands where the stayed set on his waist.

"i would say we are both quite cheesy." harry kisses underneath louis's ear and he smiles as he feels sudden goosebumps arise on louis's skin.

"god, you have totally ruined my bad boy personna." louis says with faux anger, to harry a pouty kitten.

harry nibbles on louis's earlobe and kisses his neck tenderly. "you were always a kitten, you bad boy." harry confirms, earning a dissaproving whine from louis.

"i made us something." harry suddenly squeeks out as he shuffles louis so he can reach a box which is hidden under one of the pillows.

louis turns in harry hold, he would never get off from harry's lap if he ever had a chance. he rests his head on harry's chest as he follows the lanky boy's movements.

louis perk ups when harry hands him a light blue box with a small green ribbon on it. "c'mon open it."

louis examines the box but seeing harry's eager gaze laughs and finally opens it.

two resin rings layed there beautifully, among silks of ribbons and sunflower petals. both of them displayed the same patterns and colours.

pastel, soft shades of green, blue, pink meddled together. trying to dissolve into one another but couldn't, the displayed a picture of calmness. if you look closely you could see tiny petals glittering and giving the rings a slight edge.

louis was awestruck.

harry smiles fondly seeing louis's mouth wide open and his eyes slightly glazed. "alex helped me, i think even eleanor likes me more than you now."

louis clears his throat and picks up the rings to memorise all the patterns because harry, his harry made these for them.

now this may not be a big deal for others, but to louis, this was heaven. he had never had a partner who cared so much, this was a first time experience for him. to be with someone who cares for you and does small things to constantly make you happy.

he had finally found his person and he was going to experience every small, big feeling from the scratch and he was so excited to do all of it with harry. to have all of his firsts. not that many were left, but louis was sure harry would always find something nobody has ever done for him.

louis was sure they would be the cheesy couple who would tell their kids how they found new things together, how they slowly fell in love, how harry get louis's colourfull flowers everyday of their long life to remind him they were each other's rainbow. maybe even how louis gave harry some of his first's, harry's first trip to the biggest theme park maybe. louis would have to get on that.

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