2| Limits

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🍁~What is meant to be will always find its way~🍀

🍁~What is meant to be will always find its way~🍀______________________________________________________________________

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Your Pov

Finally. Finally the day is over but now I am scared of going home.

I know Eomma and Appa are waiting for me at home to scold me even more. Argh!

After few minutes of walk there I was, in front of my house.

Slightly opening the main door trying not to make a single sound, I tiptoed towards my room.

Wow! I did it!

Grabbing the door knob I gave it a twist and opened it revealing my parents. shit no! why is today so so shitty!

"Oh welcome home dear~" My mom said in a calming yet sarcastic tone.

"H-hello Eomma? U-h I-- I HAVE HOMEWORKS TO DO! will you please lea--"

"We know that you don't have any. Now stand straight! we have something to discuss with you!" Looks like they won't leave me alive.

"Y/n why are you behaving like this. Don't you care for your studies? Do you know how much we work hard so that you can study nicely and achieve something in the future?" Appa started giving me lectures as if there was no tomorrow.

"I know" 

"And Mrs.Do kept saying Kang Taehyun is this, Kang Taehyun is that. Why don't you go and study with him!" Mom said.

"EOMMA! I won't! You are saying too much! Why would I study with him!"

"Y/n! That's enough! You really don't have any sincerity!"

"Your mom is right! and we have taken a decision." 


"Yes. You have two option. One, Go and study with topper of your class and learn how to be sincere and disciplined. Or two, Homeschooling." Dad completed and I was left in shocked.

"What!? No! I ain't choosing" They want me to do this? They really  don't care about my feelings! 

"We are not asking you whether you want to or not. Just choose one." Mom said angrily.


"Y/n you are so stubborn!"

"Yes I am!"

"Is it because of your two bestfriends!? That Beomgyu and Yeonjun? They are just as bad as you! Stay away from them or else make some good friends!" This is it. Mom and Dad literally crossed their limits!

"You don't have the rights to choose my friends!" I couldn't control myself and my tears. I started shedding tears while making eye contact with them.

The only thing that showed in their eyes was guilt.


"Please leave me alone for sometime." They didn't argue back and left my room because I rarely cried. I quickly locked myself in and cried silently.


A/N: Do vote, comment and share❤

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